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Everything posted by Hephaestus

  1. Now that would be an awesome thing to see!
  2. Well, looks like mediafire strikes again!
  3. Oh, sorry about that, my mistake. I assumed Cy meant the stage from the screenshot, and I thought that he saw the same stage but with a different name. Once again my apologies Cy.
  4. Hmmm, did you try this? The file here is called Galaxy though, so I understand why you had trouble finding it.
  5. I just don't understand why these mortals at mediafire needed you to provide proof that mugen is considered fan art, Laharl, Zombie already did that for them once before! Shows you how much they actually pay attention or even take things into consideration! (By the way glad to hear things went well for you)
  6. What is going on with all these so called "violations" wtih mediafire lately? I swear it's like someone's out to get rid of all mugen works these days.
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