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Everything posted by BlazEdge21

  1. Yumi, your being mean :( your the one having an attitude. im just saying
  2. I derp to the left, derp to the right.
  3. It does matter cause she's getting an attitude with me cause im trying to point out a mistake. thats all :(
  4. I am not freaking out. it just throws ppl off when you dont get the facts right. Idk if you played it or not now. it just confuses ppl.
  5. well you should really think before you post that. it confuses ppl :( not trying to be mean.
  6. what? you said you never heard of this game!? :( you have memory loss or are you trying to confuse ppl. look back on your old post on page one of this topic. "I never heard of this..." thats what you said? so have you or not!?!??
  7. Well Im not expecting much but we will have to wait and see
  8. I have to choose!? AH to hard to choose. I'd say Kamina
  9. Wth? I mean the game looks ok, but its not dante. no way at all. -_-
  10. Holy Shrimp Basket. What the fuck is going on? you guys are giving me a head ache @.@ so confused...
  11. Those people are very good. if you practice alot i bet you can do it. and yeah it is cool that girl gamers are more common now. lol
  12. Got the game Persona 4 arena. Love it, cant wait to see this character done!
  13. its fixed now. it was not a problem with the computer but the cache or something. anyways...
  14. True there are alot of dbz characters for mugen. why cant people focous on the other series like making a good sephiroth or squall. anyways..dbz for mugen is overrated.
  15. thats cool, and dont worry bout it. english wasnt my first language so I understand what its like to be bad at english. I just had to keep practicing.
  16. Your tutorials are amazing. keep it up ryon.
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