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Posts posted by NijikakuFan61

  1. 7 minutes ago, Agni Blackheart said:



    Agni: Melina went with Kimimuri. And Mirfah... wait...


    Agni and Magnum: Where is he?!

    Tommy popped up into the screen.



    Maybe I could be of assistance!


    Tommy paused suddenly, then looked down at the ground in shame.



    ...although, considering how much I screwed up, you guys are probably too pissed at me to let me help out...

  2. 6 minutes ago, Agni Blackheart said:

    Talking about Agni...



    Agni: W-Well, if it's a comfortable matter to you, it's not for me. Now stop clinging onto me...


    Magnum: You heard him! No is no! Now get off!!


    Magnum pulls Tommy away from Agni and takes him away by the arm. Without a single word, Lize follows them before they could get out of sight, leaving the curious duo of Mirfah and Tommy behind.



    Mirfah: Damnit, we couldn't get anything out of him! Stupid Magnum and his overprotective schtick...


    Tommy looked down at the ground, obviously ashamed with himself.


    Tommy: Well... at least we got to take a look at that sexy girl... (referring to Lize)


    Nosebleed. Edward simply face palmed

  3. 4 minutes ago, Agni Blackheart said:

    Candor City Outskirts



    Agni: W-What?!W-Wait, Tommy...!


    Magnum: Aaaaah, n-no! No questions about the marriage! That's a secret!!


    Mirfah: Hey wait! I wanna know about it too! It's no fair that Tommy ends up knowing it!


    Lize: Where are you four going?! Don't leave me behind, Agni!

    Tommy simply tilted his head confused.



    ...huh? W - what's so important about a marriage that it causes two people to want to know about it!? Why wasn't that supposed to be revealed in front of everybody!? WHY WAS I NOT SUPPOSED TO KNOW ABOUT IT!? I DON'T GET IT!



    Seems like you still don't understand how some things on Earth work...

  4. 15 minutes ago, A person said:

    The creature danced to the right of his thrust and, using the close quarters to its advantage, proceeded to try and throw the lantern at him...


    ...only for it to explode within its grasp, causing the flames to shroud it. Having no other choice, it proceeded to charge directly at Tommy, its arms out as though it were getting ready to hug him. 

    Tommy's blade came back to him; he proceeded to slice at the creatures' arms in an attempt to cut its arms off.



    Thanks, ma'am!


    @A person cmon bro

  5. 2 minutes ago, A person said:

    The creature twisted around and hopped back to face Tommy as he went in for the grab, causing his attempt to miss. It pointed the knife at him in a threatening manner, and raised its lantern up as well. 

    Tommy simply looked at the knife, no fear in his voice.



    That's not a knife...


    Tommy proceeded to try stabbing through the monster with his blade.



    ...that's a knife!

  6. 2 minutes ago, A person said:

    The water splashed upon the red fire, sizzling loudly as it evaporated upon contact with it. The creature slid underneath Tommy and his blade, causing both the weapon and the dropkick to miss, and thrust its knife at his back as he sailed over it. It still had its lantern in its grasp as well.

    Tommy smirked.



    Heh... you think a simple knife is gonna hurt me?


    Tommy proceeded to flip over the monster, before grabbing it from behind and performing a suplex; he noticed the lantern, and proceeded to grab it, before flipping backwards and throwing it right at it.

  7. 2 minutes ago, A person said:

    The lantern was shot as it flew through the air and split apart, causing the red fire within to shower the ground below and begin spreading along it like, headed mostly in their direction. The creature would find itself being hit three times, grabbed, then slammed upon the ground, leaving it either dead or in a daze. Another one of the 7 remaining proceeded to charge atTommy with a sudden burst of speed after seeing him take its friend down, its knife in front of itself.

    Edward used his hammerspace powers to summon a bucket of water large enough to douse the fire, then poured it. Tommy replied to the charging creature by throwing his blade like a boomerang, then setting his feet on fire in order to dropkick it.



    Wow; I was expecting more from you freaks!

  8. Frank pulled out his pistol, shooting the lantern before it could collide with him and Tommy, before firing three more bullets right at the monster. Tommy then proceeded to charge right at the monster, before summoning a lasso made out of fire and wrapping it around the monster. He then proceeded to jump into the air, before flipping around in order to slam the monster to the ground, landing gently on his feet.



    Is that all these things have got!? Give me the worse you have!

  9. 7 minutes ago, A person said:

    The plan worked like a charm, the creatures within the trees falling out of them due to the wind projectile blasting the trees and causing them to shake violently, sending more than a few dead and rotting branches into the air as well. 

      Reveal hidden contents







    With the mysterious assailants' appearances now revealed, the only thing that mattered was numbers; there were eight in total, 7 with lanterns, one without a lantern, and all armed with seemingly very dull knives. One by one, they began to stand up and slowly walk towards the group. Meanwhile, Nemesis waited for the fiery puddle to be put out. It was probably not a good idea to step into fire, especially red fire.



    Nemesis: Are you sure rocks are going to do the trick...?

    Tommy had a sudden lightbulb moment.



    Hold on... I have an idea!



    Is it gonna involve eating food?



    No... this one is actually gonna work...

  10. 5 minutes ago, Mister Fael said:



    Yui: You're doing great! Keep going!

    Tommy's face lit up like a Christmas tree.



    (She actually likes my guitar playing... maybe, if I become friends with her, she'll want to hear my guitar playing more and more, and I'll finally be able to master my guitar playing!)



    ...Tommy...? Are... are you okay, du -


    BGM: Shine






    Never mind... false alarm...

  11. 2 minutes ago, DuckMannnn said:

    Kirimuri approaches Tommy and puts his hand on the latter's shoulder.

    portrait_edit_idk_by_duckmann18-dbjeko9."Not everybody thinks straight all the time. Just remember this... being weird is completely normal. Being normal IS weird. We humans have this tendency to commit stupid things...It is thanks to our stupidities that mankind has progressed...Wait a second. You don't seem like you come from Earth."



    Welp... it's not like you're the 7000th person to tell me that... yeah, I'm actually an alien...


    Tommy crossed his arms.



    Last of my kind, actually...

  12. 7 minutes ago, DuckMannnn said:

    @Infinite Kyo

    portrait_edit_idk_by_duckmann18-dbjeko9."It's a little habit of mine. I can't stand not being prepared in certain situations. This all started when I forgot to bring toilet paper into the restroom when I was a toddler..."

    The man in black hesitates for a moment and starts having flashbacks of that experience. Though he still looks calm, it sent chills down his spine.

    portrait_edit_idk_by_duckmann18-dbjeko9."...and that's why I always bring a bit of everything when traveling. Well, sometimes this heavy load does give me back pain. I usually take it off in combat. But it's better to have too much than to not have enough right?"

    (oh my god I'm dead)

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