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Posts posted by NijikakuFan61

  1. 1 minute ago, Captain Papyrus said:

    OOC:...what is it with these "characters"? Why do I see the same person three times? I'm confused right now.

    Also, when is Lightflare finally going to join us? I want some team-ups between Lightflare and Shinigami.

    they're basically clones of the same person

  2. 2 of the people inside of the portal were still arguing, so the other one had to do something about it


    ???: Could you two stop? I'm trying to play on my Nintendo DS, here!


    ???: ...I'm actually not arguing with him, HE'S arguing with me.


    ???: I can see that you're arguing with him, an-


    ???: Well, you don't have any proof now, do you? Therefore, he's arguing with me!


    ???: ...I can see that you're clearly arguing with G.T. E.T, I'm going to have to ask you to stop before I MAKE YOU.


    ???: ...Who said yo-


    "E.T" got thrown out of the portal and fell of his head, thus therefore leaving only 2 people inside of it.


    HjKq6KKL7OR7UEIyX6rxhe6-h5uvfNBeczTJf8Ig E.T: My bloody head hurts...


    ???: Yo, Tommy, be thinkin we could maybe git up as well?


    ???: And deal with somebody like him? Yeah... no.


    ???: Aw, come on, Tommy dawwwwg! Maybe we'll be able ta hook up freshly smoked up playas n' rob some banks!


    ???: Well, the "meeting new people" thing sounds interesting, but the "robbing banks", on the other hand... not so much.


    G.T walked right out of the portal, not giving a care in the world.


    WN5olFFcrT7FaSEcQwL2LVmjnzme6qbGhDT52DHR G.T: Yo, Tommy, I aint leavin you up in there, shitty thangs might happen if you don't git out.


    G.T walked back into the portal and dragged Tommy out of it.


    vMUfIFGxSyyXmI_rvltO9URBMwnWsZAYUeTeXdCO Tommy: ...killmenow





  3. Just now, OxyontheWolf said:

    Nostalgia Critic! (introduced by Nostalgia Chick in his Ferngully review after some sexually ambiguous iguana-like being sings a sexual-like song about how he's going to eat a human)

    ferngully was my life, that song... was not

  4. Just now, OxyontheWolf said:

    as long as you don't pull a Deus Ex Machina, yes

    omfg thank you guys so much


    Suddenly, another portal opened up, somehow.


    ???: Yo, E.T, props fo' rockin yo' so-called "physic powers" ta warp our asses ta another place again! I swear ta god, if dis is yet another borin' lil shitass place, I'ma bloody slap a gangbangin' funky-ass biiiatch!


    ???: Oh, shut up, G.T. Don't you understand what the word "practice" means, you bloody idiot?


    ???: You two need to shut the fuck up, I'm trying to think...

  5. 7 hours ago, DuckMannnn said:

    Malin : "Wait, Dusk, do you even know where the bedrooms are in this  castle? Magic and Argentina haven't exactly explained where the rooms are at."

    Magic and Argentina.



    LOL WTF :D

    OOC: (even thought i'm probably not going to be RPing for a while) i ship magic x argentina

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