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Posts posted by NijikakuFan61

  1. Tommy's eyes finally opened, before he got up.


    Tommy: ...Thanks, Elias... I thought I was gonna die for a second... guess you could say I had a...


    E.T: oh, nononononononononononon -


    Tommy: LIVING of an experience!


    E.T covered his face with his own hand and SCREAMED.

  2. Tommy: Heh... fell right into my trap... DIVINE RETRIBUTION!


    Two beams of light appeared on the ground, right above the two dragons.


    Tommy: When I see your tombstones, tell God I said "FUCK YOU".


    The two beams of light struck down on both of them.

  3. Tommy: Rot in hell, you goddamn BASTARDS.


    Tommy activated a MASSIVE fire explosion directed exactly at Rudra.


    Tommy: And, as for you...


    Tommy suddenly deactivated Ignite, before pulling out a massive fire-hose and aiming it right at Agni.


    Tommy: I brought this with me, just in case I came into someone like you...


    Tommy activated the fire-hose, sending a flurry of water right at Agni.

  4. Tommy: W-what the!? You two still aren't done with!? Very well, then...


    Tommy moved out of the way of the blast of water.


    Tommy: How about a little advice for both of you to skedaddle the fuck out of here before I LITERALLY destroy you both?


    Tommy fired a shit-ton of massive fireballs, so many, in fact, that it was near impossible for one to keep dodging for long, or, in Agnis case, eat too many for long...


    Tommy: How about a best two out of three?


    @A person, your move!

  5. Tommy: Oh, you guys've gotta be kiddin' me... you're making me have to do this?


    Tommy set himself completely on fire.


    Tommy: Tch... it's igniting time, baby...


    IGNITETommys semblace. All fire attacks performed by Tommy now do 2x more damage. As a downside, any water-based attacks now damage Tommy more than how they normally do.


    Tommy: Show me what you punks have got now...


    Tommy summoned a barrage of massive fireballs without breaking one sweat.

  6. Tommy: Oh, you fools're just testing my patience... don't make me have to ignite, now...


    Tommy rolled right out of the way.


    Tommy: Or, even worse... rip you two apart...


    Tommy put his dagger back into his pocket.


    Tommy: Ah, you fools think I needed this? THINK AGAIN!


    Tommy spawned a massive fireball and directed it right to Agni.

  7. Tommy: Heh... you idiots, is that all you've got?


    Tommy spawned a ceiling of fire to block the icicles from hurting anybody.


    Tommy: Alright, guess I'm gonna either have to do this the hard way...


    Tommy rushed right at Agni, attempting to cut him with his dagger.

  8. Tommy noticed the duo of Agni and Rudra.


    Tommy: Ah, finally, some powerful competition...


    Tommy dodged away from both of the blasts, and pulled out his dagger from his right pocket, holding it in his right hand, before setting his left hand on fire.


    Tommy: Bring it on, you punks! I'll take you two down before you can blink!


    Tommy rushed right towards towards the two dragons, holding both of his hands out, with his dagger pointing right at them.

  9. 4 hours ago, TotalDramaXtremist said:


    "Excuse me, Malin but........may we ask who your new friend is?"



    "Yeah.........but more importantly....is she a threat......or an ally?"



    "Oh, hey guys! This is Fiona Mayfield! Fiona, these are the rest of the group I'm working with: Ryuji Yamazaki, Alice Caroll, Elias Patrick, Trap-Jaw, Wizrock, Magio Toadstool, Maribel Hearn, and Renko Usami!"


    @NijikakuFan61 @A person

    Tommy: Oh, hey guys! Are you all ready to go to Medusa, or what? I'm... starting to get rather impatient here...


    Tommy winked right at Malin.


    Tommy: Although, it certainly WAS worth the time...


    OOC: No, in no way whatsoever am I suggesting that Tommy has a crush on Malin.

  10. Tommy struggled to get out of the grip of the undead soldier which was holding him.


    Tommy: Let go of me, you goddamned undead freak!


    Tommy struggled more valiantly.


    Tommy: I said, let go!


    Tommy summoned a fire explosion right at the postition he was standing, using his mind and his mind alone.

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