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Prodigal Trailblazer

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Everything posted by Prodigal Trailblazer

  1. Im an MFFA exclusive...
  2. Syncro! first game you remember beating? Got any hobby paraphernalia (anime plushies, game figurines etc.)? Current fave song?
  3. Just havent had the spark to do model kitting in that long... On0 pics of my 'dams
  4. i got a gundam model for Christmas and still have yet to complete his legs...poor guy...
  5. no question in this post! PENALTY! Q: Most love food or food genre?
  6. What does a Fael do when not doing mugen related things or on mugen related sites?
  7. these last few days of having a short lunchtime are going to make me malnourished...
  8. if i disappeared... would anyone look for me? naturally if im thinking this question. my answer is no...
  9. Q: could you post a vid of your most current "favorite" song?
  10. In Memory of the anniversary of this tragic day... and that silly movie. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=clPcFp14I_M&list=PL0E11E437F2D40D24&index=13
  11. Speeds by, blur blue hedgehog the sonic
  12. http://cloud-4.steamusercontent.com/ugc/529511306333178167/EAEA16129AC4D4745A9C997D2D97CF1CB8C26817/
  13. ...not the project x thread?
  14. wether its fake or not, it does exemplify nintendos business tactics with these damned amiibos.
  15. I could use a strawberry danish...
  16. Since whe did we allow H characters!? and why did anyone tell me?
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