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Everything posted by LightFlare_Da_Realest

  1. It gets weirder every time I enter this thread. But on the real... ...Sho has a point. Lol! No offense, Kills! LOL!
  2. Ceno!? When'd you get here? Lol! Your absolutely right, Ceno. I basically reproduced the stage using the same method Brock used. Although I've been REALLY considering doing the stage over using Parallax. That was my initial idea, but I was in the middle of something so I did ONLY what was asked and added the blood rain. I may do the parallax soon(Shh don't tell Brock...lol)
  3. +1 Man, you need to make a tutorial, Staub! That's my word. I guess you see the potential Xde has. I really admire the way you help him out. Actually, I think you helped me out as well...
  4. Ooooooh...now I understand you point of view lately. I tried once, and couldn't even get past the collisions on my sprites. Some attacks hit, and some didn't. I know a little more now, but I don't know if it will make much of a difference. I guess even I get discouraged sometimes... ...but I WILL try again.
  5. I'm sure you will. I've got to make a character myself one day...
  6. I would just lower my sprites. You could either adjust them in FF or change the y_delta of all your sprites. Or, if you want the stage to be strictly 1280x720, you could just say so in your post. I'll take a look, but I think making the adjustment I mentioned will solve your problem. I'll holla back...
  7. When I was your age...*Vegaz talks about random video game memories*
  8. *Vegaz is still laughing at "Nigga Stole My Bike"*
  9. Cool tunes! There included with the the stage downloads?
  10. Yea this guy already has enough "G" to spare....
  11. Omg! I remember this guy. A star? BOSS! I always thought his action figure was so awesome.
  12. This is an EXCELLENT idea. If you're up to it, it could dramaticly improve the quality and originality of your character.
  13. Yo, again nice stage and sick bgm. But you must have tested these stages at 1280x720. Cuz at 640x480, they have a HUGE empty space at the bottom of the stage. You also might want to adjust your y-delta so that the stages don't move up so much when you jump.
  14. Wow! He ate everybody! I went ahead and watched then last fight with Little Mac. EPIC!
  15. Don't forget Cobra Commander! "COOOOOBRAAAA, RETREEEEEEEEEAAT!!!!!!"
  16. *Vegaz gets back in his chair, watches the last video and falls out his chair again...* OMG!!!!! LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL! Nigga stole my bike!!!! LOOOOOOOOOOL!!!
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