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Posts posted by Falco

  1. While I definitely think this initial post could've been worded a little better (implying MUGEN creators' souls are at risk in the eyes of the Lord even if unintentional likely felt like a big slap on the face to those you'd collaborated with over the past decade and a half) I ultimately choose to respect your decision because it's your own lifestyle choice and it seems like this is an issue you've grappled with for a really long time. I'm not personally all that religious, but I do believe in loving and respecting others.


    If nothing else, you deserve the rest. Thank you for all your hard work over the years and may the Lord walk beside you in your future endeavours. o7

  2. I'll take the sky any day!


    Hello everyone! Falco here with my first release unto the MUGEN world. I bring to you, Falco Lombardi! (Note that I use the pseudonym Magnazard in this creation.)


    There are a few Falco versions already, but most have used low-res, chibi sprites, I used Chotto-Komaru's Fox as a base of sorts for my Falco's sprites to make sure that the sprites were at the very least properly sized. The gameplay is based on DarkWolf's Fox, but I've made changes to compliment Falco's character (such as air gatlings and high jumps).


    It's a first creation so it's nothing particularly amazing, but I'm always looking for constructive feedback to help me the next time I decide to create something. I will be and have been gradually updating this Falco over time, but now it's in a state where (after some consoling from other MUGENites) I'm finally confident to give it a public release.


    Edits of Falco are welcome. It's a long time coming, but this is hopefully one step closer to having a high quality Falco for MUGEN!








    • 4-button gameplay
      • Uses A, B, C, and Z.

      Air-combo system 
      • j.A chains gatling-style with itself, this was a feature I added to compliment Falco's aerial prowess.

      Aerial backdash
      12 palettes
      • Uses the standard palette system, but people are welcome to make more.

    Download link: http://www.mediafire.com/file/u39b9su0bo2co2q/FalcoL.zip

    Mirrors will be created at request! Thank you for your time.

  3. Image result for love live logo

    First collection, not confident in my formatting, but I'll do my best!


    Links marked with red text are offline, and links marked with yellow text are a work in progress.

    At the time of writing, there are currently no known Aqours characters available, however, I've decided to include all nine Aqours characters in the collection in case anything arises in the future (and Aqours is just as important as µ's!).



    "Aqours, sunshine!!"


    Takami Chika: Currently none.

    Sakurauchi Riko: Currently none.

    Matsuura Kanan: Currently none.

    Kurosawa Dia: Currently none.

    Watanabe You: Currently none.

    Tsushima Yoshiko/Fallen Angel Yohane: Currently none.

    Kunikida Hanamaru: Currently none.

    Ohara Mari: Currently none.

    Kurosawa Ruby: Currently none.


    "µ's, Music Start!"


    Kousaka Honoka: Currently none.

    Ayase Eli: Sakuraka*

    Minami Kotori: Currently none.

    Sonoda Umi: Furai and qychina

    Hoshizora Rin: Currently none.

    Nishikino Maki: Furai and GPEZ

    Toujou Nozomi: Sakuraka*, TheBuddyAdrian

    Koizumi Hanayo: Currently none.

    Yazawa Nico: "Elecbyte" (KFM edit)


    Files marked with * share the same download link.


    Snow Halation / Uranohoshi Girl's High School

  4. I could try out the social media stuff, or anything here really, while I feel qualified I don't feel like I've made enough of a presence on MFFA to be in any of these positions. However if you believe otherwise I'm always available to be contacted.

  5. Yo. My name's Falco. I've been lurking these forums without an account for a short while so I may as well make an account just in case I wanna speak up about somethin'.

    To be fair, I'm pretty nooby at MUGEN stuff. I wouldn't say I'm new to it, since I've been into it since about 2008, but I took a long break from it and I've degraded to full noob. I hope to learn some stuff and get along with you guys. 

    I'm slowly tryin' to work to get some nice content out, but since I'm fairly inexperienced in this scene it'll be a long time before you see my name on any creations. Not too long, though, I hope.

    It's nice to meet all of ya. 

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