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Posts posted by cldz

  1. it seems there's ppl that indexing sprites 1 by 1
    this thread is dedicated for those ppl


    let's pretend that you already rip the sprites from the sheet


    1.open ff3
    2.add one or more sprites,choose the char sheet and add it to the sff
    3.click the pal editor,move the background color to the first slot,save the pal and delete the

       sheet that you add earlier
    4.hit add one and more palettes,open the recently made pal[make this a proper pal if you

       can,this can be done with ff3 too but i'll say nothing about it]
    5.now add all your sprites,on the palette option choose the force the specified palette(adapt

       the image)


    notes ; clean the sheet before you do it


    i don't know if there's a software that can maintain the color of an indexed sheet when ripping it
    if it exist then this tut is kind of useless


    if you want to fix a messed up sff this method might help you,but
    you need to extract all/some of the char sprites from the sff and make a sheet out of it to make the pal,so you don't miss any color
    after that you can add all the sprites via import


  2. @ remzy



    glad you liked it and you're very nice yourself for starting this site ;)

    the sprites is from songfu's tenrou kunagi sff file and xenoblip's ggxxr_backgrounds ripp[i hope they don't mind]


    glad you think so


  3. no  it's not,aligning the sprite would takes alot of time.
    and those who makes char using the sprite contain inside the pack surely is dedicated


    i don't think i will released any,making char is too much work for me, let's just say i'm lazy
    i'm just trying to help,maybe some one having trouble in this kind of thing,what i offer doesn't need a lot of work and time
    with my help the char will have all the 16 pal if i'm not wrong[i'm not doing the blank pal]
    and 1 pal will be for the char,the persona and the effect[if there's enough slot]

    well ryon,if you look at the sff file of an already released p4 mugen char that using this sprite ripp[i'm not gonna say which one] you might understand why i'm doing this

    if there's an author want me to make a pal patch for their char feel free to let me know,but you have to re-insert all the sprite your self because all i'm going to give is just the pals
    if all the things i've said give you clues on what to do you might not gonna need my help anymore.



  4. ....okay

    i should have know[nice goku btw]

    i also agree with ryon,about a char doesn't have to be well made,i'm sure an author wanted their work to be well made[or maybe not]
    being well made is a bonus,if it plays well,that's enough,but that's just my opinion

    for those who's interested incase you want me to put the sprites as an sff file,that i can do
    but it will be not properly alligned,and it will have the sprite ripp group number



  5. thanks for the comment guys

    about the overlapping issue; i make the stage that way and i have no plan on making it not overlapping the life bar because it looks weird at least to me,if you don't like that you may edit it[sorry]


    umm...i was going to share this much earlier[you may check when did the file uploaded],but my account over at mfg is error and i'm the one who caused it
    so i decide to post this here,and not in the release board.

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