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Solid Snivy

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Posts posted by Solid Snivy

  1. Yang got updated once again.



    - Yang now has her own set of hit sounds, she no longer borrows from common.snd
    - Some of the more muffled sounds have been replaced with clearer ones
    - Shortened the duration of invulnerability during Burning Gold
    - Adjusted the pause time on the first six hits of Unrelenting Fire
    - Added some effects to raging inferno to make it look a little nicer

    Also Ruby Rose is their next character that's gonna be made, so that's pretty cool.

  2. Yang got updated recently.  So download her again if you haven't.



    - Adjusted the hitsun on 5B to prevent a carefully timed infinite
    - Fixed a bug that made Fire Cracker unblockable at point blank
    - Yang can now be grabbed while dodging
    - Fixed a bug that sometimes puts yang in a standing state after rapid canceling in the air
    - Deleted some extraneous code

    - General movement speed has been given a slight increase
    - Tweaked the hit stun and pause times on some of her moves
    - Both of her distortion drives and her astral heat are actually punishable on block now


    Also OHMSBY made a poll on who you think they should make next (Ruby, Waldstein, Gordeau, Mika) so...pick your fave, I guess.



  3. Ohhh alright. I'm curious to see how both your Roxanne and UF's Roxanne play out!

    1 hour ago, bzior said:

    Roxanne is a wip character of mine, very far from being done though. I am hyped for UF version, cant wait to try it, I will be uploading other animated stages from Scott Pilgrim soon as I’ve been working on a bunch of them


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