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Posts posted by NotAGoodName

  1. Give him a negative y velocity, an x velocity, and set gravity (or an appropriate y accel).


    From Andore that I made

    [State 300, 1]
    type = VelSet
    trigger1 = Time = 0
    y = -9
    [State 300, 1]
    type = VelSet
    trigger1 = 1
    x = (p2dist x) / 25
    [State 300, gravity]
    type = gravity
    trigger1 = 1
  2. First off.  You shouldn't have to (nor should you) change the localcoord.  It sounds like you've got the wrong life bars configured to work with your screenpack.  They should match by default, but uhh...whatever.  Make them match.  bars and screenpack have to have matching localcoords.


    Second.  For Mugen 1.0, the only resolution you should change is gamewidth and gameheight.  They need to be a whole multiple of the screenpack's localcoord or it'll look like crap.  So you can double a 640x480 screen to 1280x960 (NOT 1280x720) and enjoy more pixels.  If you do that, you're driving 4x the pixels, so your computer needs to be able to handle that.

  3. Pretty much everything you need to do is...


    1) get Fighter Factory 3

    2) figure out what graphic in the screenpack's SFF is the grid for the character select

    3) do some math to figure out how to make more blocks fit in the given grid

    4) edit said graphic and save the SFF (make a backup,too)

    5) apply brilliant math skills to editing the [select info] part of the screenpack's system.def


    Obviously, you need to account for things like the border around the character icons and so forth.  If the grid is an animation or something cool like that, you might be in for some fun.  VSelect is very helpful for modifying the character select screen if you're not currently using a hardware scaled resolution (1.1 only issue).


    If you're worried about the character icons getting too pixelated, just double (or triple) your gamewidth and gameheight settings.  That may invoke some issues which are solvable with Mugen 1.1.

  4. If something forces you into statedef 0, mugen doesn't defaultly have a means by which to make you fall down.
    I modified my common1.cns to have this and it not only seems to fix that, but also makes characters work on Mario Stage

    ; Stand
    [Statedef 0]
    type = S
    physics = S
    sprpriority = 0
    [State 0, 1]
    type = ChangeAnim
    trigger1 = Anim != 0 && Anim != 5
    trigger2 = Anim = 5 && AnimTime = 0 ;Turn anim over
    value = 0
    [State 0, 2]
    type = VelSet
    trigger1 = Time = 0
    y = 0
    [State 0, 3] ;Stop moving if low velocity or 4 ticks pass
    type = VelSet
    trigger1 = abs(vel x) < Const(movement.stand.friction.threshold)
    trigger2 = Time = 4
    x = 0
    [State 0, 4] ;Are you dead?
    type = ChangeState
    trigger1 = !alive
    value = 5050
    [State 0, 5] ;Are you floating?
    type = ChangeState
    triggerall = pos y < 0
    trigger1 = time > 1
    value = 50
  5. because Like i said in the previous post:


    Clark doesn't have hard motions.  He doesn't even have one of those SNK style 360s (f,hcf+whatever).  I guess hcbx2 and hcfx2 is kinda hard?  Whatever.  He's nothing like stereotypical grapplers.  He's always had persuit moves and since KOF96 or 97 (?) he's even had running grapples with really long distance.


    Really, it has nothing to do with how he plays because, again, he's a monster on the tier lists.  It's safe to assume that his boring design is to blame for his lack of popularity.

  6. Actually, this one IS the old school look. He looked like that in his source game Ikari Warriors. Same is true about his buddy Clark Steel.

    Nut sure about Leona, though, since I don't remember her appearing in any pre-KOF games.


    That is NOT what he looked like in Ikari Warriors.  Not even box art.  This new fangled Ralf is roided up ridiculousness.  Same as new fangled Clark.

  7. I have no idea what people are doing that they have so much trouble with 1.1, but again.  I loaded this up and tested it and had no such problem.  Played just fine.  Make sure you're using the latest version from Elecbyte.  Mugen 1.1b1 (formerly known as patch1).  Internal version number  The original 1.1b1 sucked.

  8. You freaking noobs.  Good grief.


    Ok, so I'm guessing you hold start and get different mode, not just palette 8, right?


    So first off change the default palettes

    pal.defaults = 7,8,9,10,11,12


    But now you need to change the palette keymap so that you don't have to push start.  So at the bottom add this... (Modify if you prefer to use A instead of X.)


    [Palette Keymap]
    x = 7
    y = 8
    z = 9
    a = 10
    b = 11
    c = 12
    x2 = 7 ;Hold Start and press button X for palette 7, etc.
    y2 = 8
    z2 = 9
    a2 = 10
    b2 = 11
    c2 = 12

  9. for small characters your better off using the x and y scale from the CNS.


    instead of changing the localcoord. because it throws off small and big ports.


    You'd screw up every velocity and position for the ports?



    Math should be something like:

    320 / cns = newcoord


    This math actually goes against how I thought this worked, but whatever.


    so 320 / 1.5 = 213


    y value doesn't matter, you don't even have to bother.  Just put something like localcoord = 213,lol

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