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Everything posted by DJ HANNIBALROYCE

  1. SHE DIED?!!!!! omg...r.i.p. yuyu....damn...i was just talking to her about mugen creation! SMH....my next char is dedicated to her..
  2. whoa! thank u so much....ill make sure to mention that now in description. thank u...hoped u enjoyed otherwise. :)
  3. hahahahaha at name...that earns a download. lol ugh...i just tried to....but too many ads...go to mediafire!
  4. r.i.p. to the real yellow ranger that passed away.... #wemissuyellowranger
  5. AHHHHHHHHHHHH bonkers....u know wat..alot of people feel the same way. i never played it tho...so wat ill do is play the rom. if it works...this will be my next character!
  6. aperson98, ur so right...that barrel should be a bit beast. will fix in next update... and darklight, that is a good suggestion but because the sega was totally different than the snes one...i would have to start over(especially coding-wise) because aladdin has a sword...and the genie wouldnt be an active helper as much & the randomhyper wouldnt fit for it. I see some people want that SEGA version, tho the SNES one was better IMO. when the update is released i'll take that into consideration.
  7. thats for the feedback guys...the apple thing was very annoying..im gonna fix that....i toned done the hypers because his regular moves were so bad ass, i thought it would be a bit overpowered...but ill hike it up a bit...the crouching roll i totally forgot to edit that one....(dumbass i am XD)....im glad u all enjoy it....as for the palette...i hate that part of creation...but ur right. Im soo happy u guys enjoy! and i do know the sega one had some cool animations and attacks..but i wanna stay true to the CAPCOM SNES aladdin.
  8. darkness good....muahahahahaha....good s***. downloading....
  9. i chose the SNES version on purpose because it was the popular version out of the two. as for the pixelation...that adds the SNES feel to me. i know i couldve used the genesis version for smoother graphics but my loyalty rest with nintendo and im updating him in that version only. i hope u enjoy the character wen u download it. its loads of fun. XD.
  10. ALADDIN UPDATED! DJ HANNIBALROYCE Available for Download! *NOTE* for MUGEN 1.0 (reports of Winmugen crashing) CLICK HERE NOTE: This is the UPDATED VERSION! Check MOVESET for details. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sv53J3OZGKk New move added! 2 New Hypers! More Intros! More Win Quotes! Previous commands switched for better gameplay! All system versions included! Hey guys! I'm proud to introduce to you, my latest creation, Aladdin (SNES version)!!! Aladdin's play-style is all about range & traps. Though he is projectile-heavy, this doesn't mean he can't open a can of whoop-ass head-on! He also has a very special hyper move call #RANDOMHYPERSPECIAL, which randomly chooses Genie's many special abilities. PLEASEEEEEEE read the moveset or you will be lost. Feedback is appreciated in a respected manner....Enjoy! :) I will be updating this character OD this week so lemme know what ya think. again, PLEASE READ the moveset before playing Aladdin.
  11. just made my day! thanx so much....im glad u enjoy. #hardworkfinallypayingoff
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