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Mr. KOtik

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Posts posted by Mr. KOtik

  1. Nobody was discussing the canon and only fandom ideas even in a post with images of a certain episode whose details were not given.


    My comments regarding to what I have understood about the episode were even removed, because the obsessed admin considered them as offencible.

    Well, giving a opinion about a episode considered as offence?


    It SUCKS!!!

    And there are many more forums as such. I've seen many normal looking forums that function like cults. 

  2. Congratulations Phantom Blood, you destroyed the competition with 6 points! Thank you Phantom Blood, Hayonik, and Femrril for the time you put into searching for these stages for my cause and I hope I can provide you guys with something useful and I guarantee there will be things you do not already own. I sent out the winner's pack and the 300 stage packs.Thanks again guys.

  3. No thats not it. Sorry I didn't provide more information with that stage. Heres the original release topic: http://mugenguild.com/forum/topics/11-stages-km-released-new-site-created-79009.0.html


    Here is the Author's offline website: http://web.archive.org/web/20080430225205/http://kmmousemugen.bravehost.com/Stages.html


    The Download for it describes what the stage consists of and would look like: http://web.archive.org/web/20080503221514/http://www.esnips.com/doc/5a3a1179-8943-4cbd-b39e-183fd6872429/FFightSubwayExit


    Also thank you very much again for Heroes Monument.

  4. Jeez Phantom Blood, you are something to be reckoned with, I honestly cannot say I expected this. Only taking 1 hour to do all this seems near impossible especially Underground Silo but, I don't doubt you did. You got some insane net hunting skills and what must be a massive collection lol. Also the Winter Storm stage you provided me with is the newer version of the stage I'm asking for. The one I want has no snow on the temple or tree.  http://forum.mgbr.net/index.php?showtopic=35714 Thank you.


    Thanks Hayonik for Dust City, also yeah Chateau Medieval seems to be one of those lost stages.

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