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Ultra Fatality

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Posts posted by Ultra Fatality

  1. For the Tusk stage, please try for the original concept with that awesome, fast scrolling sky. A lot better than some twinklies.

    Also, Spinal, if he isn't finished, should have some specials based on the MK characters in greyscale, as he does this with some KI characters.


    I didnt make Tusk stage so idk if i can do that and as for Spinal trust me you have no idea what your in for he got some crazy shit coming to him and already added

  2. More Screenshots Friends :)






















    To show my thanks guys for all the support and hype I'll start uploading something I'd like to call Fatal Friday Basically I'll show off 4 to maybe 5 Characters Finishers you know to get more hype and support lol it will consist of..........


    1. Fatality 1

    2. Fatality 2

    3. Ultra 

    4. Ultimate

    5 . Random Finisher 


    If you guys think its a good idea let me know and stuff but for now i must keep working and by the way guys just a reminder i am a one man army on this game its just me working on it characters stages all that good stuff so just keep being cool about the wait and more great awesome things will be shown peace for now

  3. Some screenshots guys got to give you guys something you know 


    (By the way i dont know how to do that spoiler thing warning to hide the pics sorry if the post seems really big)





























    This game is still being made guys so if you see any problem in the shots please feel free to post it hit/blood sparks are not fully added yet so please dont mention it

  4. Sounds cool Man! keep at it.



    You need to get a security suite (Fire-Wall, Anti-spyware,Anti-melware,Anti-virus and Anti-spam) program if you want to get rid of infected files on you PC. I know it cost much but its the only way you are going to be free on that situation. :-P



    i really dont care how much i would have to pay i just want the shit off long as i dont have to nuke/deleat all my files again im set

  5. Alright everybody the game is going really well all i have to do is add the finishers and the custom states for everybody and the beta/demo will be ready for everyone im still trying to figure out out how to get rid of my melware you know the internet viruses i swear once its off for good regular updates will come i promise my friends 

  6. sure thing. ill be sure to add another tab where you can list already known bugs and issues as well as what to expect in the future. also, i was thinking of maybe adding another tab where we can post our suggestions to add into the game (game mechanics, characters, group fatality ideas, etc). that way it will all be in a centralized location. i can make the document viewable to anyone but only editable by people you choose (beta testers), that way it is regulated.


    sounds like a good idea go ahead and add it bro



    I will test, and then I will give it back, and say it requires more meh to make it less awesome....because it's too awesome.


    awe your to kind my friend trust me it can only get better with the negative reveiws so dont hold back when i release it 

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