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Ultra Fatality

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Posts posted by Ultra Fatality

  1. [reading Ultra fatility's code] :hmm:


    Hmm.. this looks tricky doe I believe it might be something to with the ChangState code in each Statedef of each basic punch:


    From stand Light punch statdef:


    [state 225, ChangeState]

    type = ChangeState

    trigger1 = command = "x" && movehit  <------- (same command trigger)

    value = 210


    [state 200, 3]

    type = ChangeState

    trigger1 = AnimTime = 0

    value = 0

    ctrl = 1




    From Standing Med punch statedef:

    [state 200, ChangeState]

    type = ChangeState

    trigger1 = movecontact && command = "x" <-------(same command trigger)

    value = 220

    ctrl = 0


    [state 300, ChangeState]

    type = ChangeState

    trigger1 = AnimTime = 0

    value = 0

    ctrl = 1



    From Standing Strong Punch statdef:


    [state 200, ChangeState]

    type = ChangeState

    trigger1 = movehit && command = "x" <-------(same command trigger)

    value = 500


    [state 200, ChangeState]

    type = ChangeState

    trigger1 = movehit && command = "You cant run EX"

    value = 1006


    [state 230, 3]

    type = ChangeState

    trigger1 = AnimTime = 0

    value = 0

    ctrl = 1



    The way I see it you have it setup for the character just to use that one command (button x) for him to do all the motions in a chain to follow up each value of the moves:


    Other words You press just button X then he will follow up like this: Statedef 210+ Statedef 220 + Statedef 500 in one command


    Unless you want the character to use different command triggers (e.g. trigger1 = command ="y" ; trigger1 = command ="z") in each ChangeState in order to pull a combo then that might help solve the problem.


    However I think its best to ask Ryon or Laharl about this. since they have more expertise on coding combos. :-P


    Oh thoses guys can lock this post i forgot about it yeah dude i already solved the problem my self had to make an entire brand new command for some reason but it works now bringing my wip one step closer to being done

  2. oh SHIT i see how this SHIT go be, SHIT lets do this SHIT, SHIT so how much SHIT can a single person SHIT........................2 times the normal amount of SHIT hahahahahah see what i did there comic gold 

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