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Everything posted by Dumanios

  1. RIP vid, it's ded for some reason.
  2. Some suggestions taken from Slkmugen and Ikaruga, as well as some unfitting music.
  3. A completely random battle - AKA proof I'm running out of ideas.
  4. KoopaKingdom.com's Mario. He's even worse than GooGoo64's Darth Vader.
  5. And the second (and final) episode. After this, I'll be taking a break from taking out the trash.
  6. I blame Zoryuken for this. This'll be two episodes long as well.
  7. A spriteswap of WlanmaniaX's Invader Zim using Remilia's sprites. EDIT: And also Arcueid and Sakuya's.
  8. So that's where it's from. It also has the AVGN's "ASS" (accidentally describing itself) (not shown in video)
  9. Well, here's Episode 6. This was... difficult to say the least. @Slkmugen: So, what've you got?
  10. That'll probably be Episode 7 and after. That, or I'll do something like what the None did with GooGoo64. EDIT: As for episode six, here's what's on the clock. (from my youtube inbox)
  11. Thanks. I've also got some ideas for Episode 6, as well.
  12. Some more crappy characters. At least their AI is shit. Also, here's a non-canon version with Micheal Jackson. (uploaded for no good reason)
  13. Time to watch this thread. As far as I know, it doesn't look too bad, but Ryu's animations are stiff, and I'm pretty sure his AI isn't very good. Then again, I'll just need to see it myself.
  14. The uber-powered adventure of Final Supreme Vegito continues!
  15. It's His characters are some of the best Naruto characters out there.
  16. Iori with strikers, huh? Interesting idea, though I didn't think him the type to use strikers. Unrelated: Dat Mokou.
  17. Here's mine: https://www.youtube.com/user/Dumanios
  18. Well, you got your wish. Also, I felt like this video deserved something special.
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