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Flowering Knight

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Posts posted by Flowering Knight

  1. mugen006_zpse9b8c5f5.png






    Yep, this is the first SCP-173 made for Mugen, as well as the first SCP character ever.  It really shows.


    He's a joke character, who's essentially a delayed F1.  After a couple seconds, the screen goes black and the opponent dies.


    To be honest, this character is the exact reason why I made my own 173 in the first place.

    Also, the idea of a delayed F1 only truly works for Kenshiro.  You know, because they're already dead.

  2. Posted Image






    This is essentially what happens when you fuse Kukulkan with a generic demon ubercheap guy.  He's one of those characters that essentially kills the opponent before the match even starts, also he still has a bunch of other moves for some reason.  Also, when you select him, it takes an ungodly amount of time for the match to start and even end, which is why I just slapped his idle animation on here.  If you like ubercheaps, go ahead, but other than that, that's pretty much it.  Looks cool though.



    On a side note, why is it that nearly every ubercheap character is demonic in some way?

  3. LOL, that is because I love them both. I'm a fans of both Goku and Superman. I'm not really into the fanboys sickness of Goku vs Superman - Goku will win, no Superman will win. All of that are fanboys sickness, even the DeathBattle at youtube. All of it are non-canon. If Goku meet with Superman, pretty sure they will team up together and if they fight, they will not fight to the death instead only to test each other ability. Then surely both Goku and Superman will compliment each other ability. Sometime I just hope that they will make an official anime movie Goku meet with Superman, then goes with the storyline I've said so we can stop all this fanboys sickness about Goku vs Superman once and for all.


    Better idea, we make them do the fusion dance.

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