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Posts posted by Okami

  1. Apparently it's shared, and the pals from the actual game is not even pals, it's controlled by the PLT files. Soo... sorry bout that >_>

    And the sprites itself are shared, so I have to probably color separate it later. Hurr

  2. Qdora is a pixie character in the Doujin game E's Laf. I will be making her!
    Working on an E's Laf as a start for a character. Here are here available palettes so far. 
    Need palettes so... I guess here's a sprite? Some color are shared but it's enough to make a good palette no?
  3. Back to Mugen: But a SP in its making.












    Been in a hiatus for quite a while. Decided to make something and I guess a Screenpack is a good start no? Characters.. well that will take its time when I find the right character to make =)


    While... I'm working on this for sure and I think I need somewhat the versus screen to be animated (going to take time doing this) and the lifebar animations. However, the options page shouldn't be that hard to work on anyways!

    Good luck to me and hopefully you'll see more progress later! I will post templates for portraits later!

  4. Here is an edit I made of Saber from J_Saber(forgot who's the author). It is melty blood arranged but not fully functional as melty blood. It's similar. I made her more comboable and configured her combo properties. Her jungle is now infinite and hits otg (no infinites since there is recovery time for them). 


    Here's a screenie and video:


    Posted Image



    Here is the release of the SP. Some chars and stages are found in this SP and they do not belong to me. They are merely used for the SP's representation and templates. For example, Suigin chars use a different localcoord while the rest uses the original 426.66,320.25 localcoord. They're are different psd files for each resolution. Look at each character at the end of their sffs for the port locations(coordinates).



    Posted Image




    NOTE: It's 700+mb, so download may take awhile.

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