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Everything posted by hyxco

  1. Hello, I would like to know if someone can help me, possibly it is too easy. I have some animations that I want to add to a char after attacking, the situation is that I can't find a way to do it. The character is supposed to be on the ground and kicks the character forward 15 on the x-axis. The purpose is to make the character after hitting the opponent return to the initial position with an animation. But only do it when the blow is delivered, not at any time. I attach an image of the behavior, I hope someone can help me. https://media1.giphy.com/media/FjnTMMhoHTnz747LHx/giphy.gif?cid=790b7611d3966665f86d8686358721bf1d38ca39a8d284f4&rid=giphy.gif&ct=g
  2. Hola amigos, soy Isco o HYXCO. Llevo unos años haciendo este proyecto que Omegapyscho estaba trabajando. Este proyecto es independiente al de el, ya que no obtuve ningun sprite de él, si no que los trabajé descargando los videos de Youtube y unos amigos tenían otros sprites. Quiero mostrarles un poco por medio de capturas y videos de youtube lo que he estado haciendo. Aun soy nuevo en esto de los foros por lo que averiguaré como actualizarlo Hello friends, I am Isco or HYXCO. I have been doing this project that Omegapyscho was working on for a few years. This project is independent from his, since I didn't get any sprite from it, but I worked on it by downloading videos from Youtube and some friends have other sprites. I want to show you a little through screenshots and youtube videos what I've been doing. I'm still new to this forum so I'll find out how to update it
  3. No estoy seguro, tomé como punto de partida la edicion de mrgamer123, pero no el del reboot. Después edité casi todos los codigos y todos los sprites que utilizael personaje. Ya sería a tu criterio si seria edicion, todos los codigos del personaje principal fueron cambiados (menos los principales)
  4. Greetings, I am HYXCO, I am 20 years old, I live in Mexico and I am writing from the translator. A few years ago I started playing mugen, and it seemed like a totally great idea, and I also had the hope of one day starting to edit, this year I started learning on the fly, and the truth is that it is something totally different from what I thought However, I like the idea of making the characters do what I wanted them to do. I am working on the project that someone else left in oblivion or else that is rather disappeared. It's OMEGAPSYCHO's The Powerpuff Girls 15th Anniversary project. The first character I started with is blossom, there are still little details missing and I hope they help solve them. Thank you for reading.
  5. Hello, I would like to know how I could add a time limit for when the character is in the air, and that when performing attacks the time does not restart, I already tried a lot of variants and state changes but either the time is restarted or it flies a few seconds and falls. An example could be like Iron Man from Marvel vs. Capcom, who have a limited time to fly and then fall to the ground. ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; go to fly mode [statedef 1800] ;< Statedef, this is the process to go in fly from standing. type = A ;< Make sure you use A = Air as type movetype = A physics = N juggle = 0 velset = 0,0 ctrl = 0 anim = 1800 ;< Enter the anim you want ;go up (whether you are in ground or air before you went to this state, you go up) [state 0, VelSet] ;< This is for make the character go up till the Anim ends type = VelSet trigger1 = 1 x = 0 y = -10 [State 100, Spark Stars] type = Explod trigger1 = -1 anim = 14901 postype = p1 pos = 0,-15 scale = 0.4,0.4 accel = 0, -0.3 facing = -1 vfacing = -1 sprpriority = -1 ontop = 1 ownpal = 1 bindtime = 1 pausemovetime = 20 supermovetime = 99999 persistent = 5 removetime = 13 ignorehitpause = 1 [State 1300, Super D] type = AfterImage trigger1 = Time = 0 trans = add TimeGap = 1 FrameGap = 1 time = 15 length = 10 palbright = 161, 0, 252 palcontrast = 161, 0, 252 palpostbright = 140,45,140 PalAdd = 1,1,1 PalMul = .65,.65,.75 [State 410, 2] type = PlaySnd trigger1 = AnimElem = 1 value = 100,2 [state 0, ChangeState] ;< This Change state is to go to Fly Stand state after you are flying type = ChangeState trigger1 = animtime = 0 value = 1806 ctrl = 1 ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;fly stance [statedef 1806] ;< This is fly stance type = A ;< Make sure you use A = Air as type movetype= I physics = N juggle = 0 poweradd= 0 ctrl = 0 anim = 1900 ;< here enter the number of anim which you want as Fly idle velset = 0,0 [State -3, sense bar] type = Explod triggerall = animtime = 0 trigger1 = numexplod(3309)=0 anim = 3309 id = 3309 pos = 6,ifelse(var(14) = 0,214,202)+var(16) postype = left facing = 1;ifelse(TeamSide = 1, 1, -1) bindtime = -1 removetime = -2 sprpriority = 92 ignorehitpause = 1 ownpal = 1 scale = 0.5,0.5 [State 1500,fuwavar(1)] type = VarSet trigger1 = (command != "holdfwd" && command != "holdback" && command != "holdup" && command != "holddown") && var(2) != 2 trigger2 = (var(2) = 2) && Vel Y >= 1 v = 2 value = 1 [State 1500,fuwavar(2)] type = VarSet triggerall = var(2) = 1 trigger1 = Vel Y <= -1 trigger2 = (P2BodyDist Y > 200)&&(Vel Y < 0) v = 2 value = 2 [State 1500,fuwaUp] type = VelAdd trigger1 = var(2) = 1 y = -0.05 [State 1500,fuwaDown] type = VelAdd trigger1 = var(2) = 2 y = 0.05 ;turn [state 0, Turn] ;< Simple Turn, When P2's distance is X <-10 type = Turn trigger1 = P2dist X < -10 ; fly dash forward [state 0, ChangeState] ;< This is the command for fly dash forward. type = ChangeState trigger1 = command = "FF" value = 104 ctrl = 1 ;fly forward ;< This is the command for fly forward. [state 0, ChangeState] type = ChangeState trigger1 = command = "holdfwd" value = 1807 ctrl = 1 ;fly backward ;< This is the command for fly backward. [state 0, ChangeState] type = ChangeState trigger1 = command = "holdback" value = 1808 ctrl = 1 ;fly up ;< This is the command for fly up [state 0, ChangeState] type = ChangeState trigger1 = command = "holdup" value = 1809 ctrl = 1 ;fly down ;< This is the command for fly down [state 0, ChangeState] type = ChangeState trigger1 = command = "holddown" value = 1810 ctrl = 1 [State 5000, Smart Bombs] type = Changestate trigger1 = command = "RaiolaserF" value = 1015 ctrl = 1 [State 5000, Caida Libre] type = Changestate trigger1 = (command = "y+z" && command != "holddown") value = 650 ctrl = 1 [State 5000, Smart Bombs] type = Changestate trigger1 = command = "Lightning" value = 730 ctrl = 1 [State 5000, Smart Bombs] type = Changestate trigger1 = command = "lightningball" value = 3250 ctrl = 1 [State 5000, Air Uni Beam] type = Changestate trigger1 = command = "megaice" value = 3950 ctrl = 1 [State 5000, Air Uni Beam] type = Changestate trigger1 = command = "qcf_z" value = 717 ctrl = 1 [State 5000, weak kick] type = Changestate trigger1= command = "a" value = 111903 ctrl = 1 [State 5000, medium kick] type = ChangeState value = 111904 trigger1= command = "b" [State 5000, strong kick] type = ChangeState value = 111906 trigger1= command = "c" [State 5000, weak punch] type = ChangeState value = 111901 trigger1= command = "x" [State 5000, weak punch] type = ChangeState value = 219 trigger1= command = "x" [State 5000, medium punch] type = ChangeState value = 111902 trigger1 = command = "y" [State 5000, medium punch] type = ChangeState value = 214 trigger1 = command = "y" [State 5000, strong punch] type = ChangeState value = 111905 trigger1 = command = "z" ;go back to jump/fall state ;< This is the command for jump to ground if you Won in air, you know no one will like to have the win pose in AIR [state 0, ChangeState] type = ChangeState trigger1 = Win = 1 value = 50 ctrl = 1 ;go back to damage fall state ;< If you get hit then this will happen. [state 0, ChangeState] type = ChangeState trigger1 = Life = 0 trigger2 = roundstate = 3 value = 1040 ctrl = 1 ;go back to fly land state [state 0, ChangeState] ;< This is to come down from Fly mode type = ChangeState trigger1 = pos y >= 0 value = 1047 ctrl = 1 [State 0, RemoveExplod] type = RemoveExplod triggerall = stateno = 1806 trigger1 = numexplod(133333) > 0 id = 133333
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