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Everything posted by tohnoshiki

  1. i noticed nothin with his hands, i just know he's a combo friendly (understatement) bastarrd
  2. this isn't DFO is it? the english version? cause it looks like second impact
  3. strider is this guy This might be who ur talking about....his name is Warachia
  4. This is looking sweet, accurate but not so accurate that it's boring, and not so accurate it's "ZOMG I CAN'T DEFEAT IT" also how do u dodge the unblockable? in the game if u were behind her you were fine
  5. you're pretty good with him, tho i think ur best char is strider
  6. you'll think you can but you can't ACTUALLY erase niggas from existence
  7. exactly, but he can find it out easily he uses subordinates to get it oh and as for shiki, ppl who drink Kool-Aid don't get to see lines that erase you from existence
  8. Light can kill you with his book....shiki moves faster than a human and can dodge shit inhumanly and is like spiderman with no super powers in a sense gkou.....nuff said
  10. a penis showing he's male and srsly nothing tmk (to my knowledge)
  11. Although I understand his "logic" that's wrong and just bad....and fucked up
  12. it wasn't the same enemy, it was peaches the rapist as the last enemy
  13. I said OR, i haven't played as him yet so I was giving like a guess of what he shuld or might be however in 13 i don't believe he has any run in's I could be wrong tho
  14. clark has been injecting roids since 2k2 he's supposed to play like either a 94 clark or a 2k2 clark.... which is a much more agile zangief or alex
  15. Funny enough ry taught me how to distinguish sudden color changes but I can't do it myself
  16. 4's transition from red to dark red is very sudden
  17. that dude needs to be brutally sodomized for 1244 hours straight and 54 bukakes at once
  18. they're gonna be the same HD as the ones out know
  19. Ryougi, and......some character from big bang beat can't remember right now....oh right senna duh
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