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Dark Spirit

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Everything posted by Dark Spirit

  1. Mewtwo and Lucario have to leave because they are pokemon from a generation before.Most likely Zoroark will be the next one and pokemon trainer will get new pokemon...
  2. Haha!El lado obscuro tiene galletas y otras golosinas!
  3. I never liked the PS1....I really hated the sprite and color loss and the fact it doesn't look like the arcade...DC game was better....
  4. They don't care about the U.S. do they....
  5. Damn...Lowren's AI looks pretty tough...Nice comeback though....It seemed as though you were trying to show off though.
  6. I know it's old news but I am just posting for anyone who didn't catch the news.
  7. We all agree on the trophies and stickers right?We all agree on a bigger roster right?Then why don't we give Sakurai a peice of our minds and go send him an email or letter saying our requests...Signed,Fighter game profesionals....
  8. Ah!A mugen noob!If you need to know anything just ask aybody and if you need to,make a topic in the help section! Oh and DBS I have 2 request for you! Joseph Joestar by Y.Y....One has to be like Chuck Norris.The others are up to you. Jotaro Kujo by Warasuki3....One has to be his part 6 look another would be Kenshiro look,and the rest up to you. Thanks in advance.
  9. Update to anyone who has the game!!! There is a wi-fi event running up from March 10th to April 8th. Depending on your version you could get a Zekrom or Reshiram through mystery gift! Video:
  10. I can see quite a few things by capcom including Resident Evil and possibly a SF game...I hope they are good though...I have been disapointed by SFxT a little but it's not too bad plus Resident Evil Revelations on 3DS was awesome.Finished it faster than I though!
  11. Oh...I thought they might have been vacations...
  12. The only thing I updated onto my desktop is the icons...I got my Touhou games back!That includes TH1-13,and some other fan games and I also got MB Act Cadenza Verson B. Back!
  13. Got it.Got lost in what you were saying for a second...
  14. Hm...I think you can though...I am going to try it anyway though just to be sure...
  15. Hm...Now I wonder all the games to be released for the WiiU....
  16. How many characters can you have in order...Can you put like this... fdio, stages/jojoredmoon.def, order=198?Or is there a limit to how many characters there are for arcade? Also does every character that I don't want to fight have to have order=0?
  17. We need to state it as an official rule even though technically it is....
  18. This looks awesome!Always wanted to stay away from revival but I just might after seeing this game.
  19. Dark Spirit

    [PS1] Vs.

    Just download the ISO file Noside is giving out!It's alot cheaper.
  20. Exactly!We should just call Ragna Dante.It's much simpler...
  21. I wish I could modify posts...I would do it right now that I have time...
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