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Oliver As Latias

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Posts posted by Oliver As Latias

  1. - The thing I hate about MUGEN Characters are that some characters uses invincibility which lasts too long or not used properly, making it an unfair battle.

    - Second is that some AI characters uses the counters too much to dodge the attack over and over again.  (for example "That Guy" a joke character of "Guy")

    - Third is, well how should I say this. Some people make the stats too overpowered to think that it's really a "godlike" character. Still, overpowered stats doesn't mean that they can be unstoppable, oh no. I've seen Rare Akuma defeating my non-permissioned edit of Newbie (the character that got overpowered) and died easily from the SGS.

    - And lastly is about the poorly made sprites (including spriteswaps/edits of them). Sure, that some kids don't care if they made the sprites good or not, but if you actually take the character as a joke like "True Monando Boy" then it's pretty much an okay character. As long as it's just a joke character.


    Remember kids. Always make characters balanced before releasing them.

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