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Everything posted by DBScourge

  1. All Black's chars are freakin amazing
  2. IMO Pretty pink flowers take away from the creepy factor
  3. Oh ok *fixes* @ Ky-you'll also like that the music I put on there isn't repetitive Ear rape like the song Sic-1 made for it
  4. It is No one has acted on proving it yet
  5. Oh no thanks I don't roll that way & even if I did Don't wanna suck what you already did Peaches went sour as soon as you touched him
  6. [Preview] Facade of Reality by Matter (Renamed Azure Annilhilation) Consort Yung Yuhuan by someone Viral Cyberworld by someone else (Renamed Fatal Virus) Eagle Stage by Thedge (Renamed Eagle Stage-Night) Added Eagle-Day "Death" Cage by Sic-1 (Renamed Fight for Freedom) [Comment] I've made these edits a while back & I just felt like sharing them. [DownLoad] http://www.mediafire.com/?qyurvxmaaf3bnt6 Update http://www.4shared.com/file/KORExmH3/Updated_Stage_Edits-sff.html
  7. O rly 1500 huh If it gets done,post it Ns
  8. The Sexy Picture thread where you post pictures that you find that can categorize under Hot,Sexy,Ecchi or what ever makes you horny.(Yes,Alpy Pawgs are allowed & Tohno please keep your annoying babble about Cici's ass to a minimum) Rules: No Nudity(W/o Spoilers) No Hentai(Too much f*cked up shit) & If you can find a name for the pics. I shall begin....... (Looks Photoshopped) (Found in some guy's sig on Mugen Infantry)
  9. You said welcome to the forum to RGM,when you,just like him,a noob to the MFFA family have not been welcomed. I welcome you Ky & enjoy your stay at MFFA.
  10. Fighting Stance is an excellent song to work to. I feel like editin some stages now
  11. The palettes I made for him are actually good so Shut Up,ToeNoe
  12. That is true......Even the cheers are monotonous "LETS GO *mmhhmhhmhm mhhmhmhmhm* LETS GO!"
  13. Idk bu...... WHOA WHOA WHOA,Why did your high school take my high school's football team's name
  14. Wow DLC Fatalities Midway's makin some big moves nowadays
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