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Everything posted by Infinite

  1. Infinite

    Fou Lu

    Fou Lu mediafire onedrive
  2. Thanks, Yeah I was thinking about doing an update with tougher AI, but it might be better to do a patch since people think he is already tough/cheap.
  3. You obviously know nothing about coding, his damage dampener works very well and can easily be found in his overrides, If you want to see how his dampener works just put him in debug mode. His AI is hardly tough, I could easily make him 5 times tougher in a few minutes, you might want to fight more in training mode first or turn your difficulty down.
  4. Why are you Multiverse guys so quick to release these beta's.
  5. Wolfgang Krauser Download him here for 1.0- http://infiniteff.fo...wolgang-krauser *Winmugen Patch Available
  6. Here is a Beta of Wolfgang Krauser If anyone wants to beta test.
  7. Thanks guys, I have also been hearing how cool it is here from some of my friends so I'm glad to be here.
  8. Thanks for the comments Guys. @ZombieBrock -I always come here if I am looking for something which I have had a hard time finding, + I think sharing stuff is key to keeping mugen community's growing :) .
  9. El Stingray Wolfgang Krauser Okay, I always wanted a Krauser in this style ever since I have had these sprites. Now it is time to get back to work. Wolfgang Krauser was a pretty tough boss character back in the day when I was a little kid. This is the first character that I did with a lot of color separation in him (it took more time for me to do the color separation than it normally takes me to code a full character). I like how the color separation came out, but on future WIP's I definitely want to do less things. If anybody is willing to contribute any palettes to Krauser it will be well appreciated. Attached below is a Palette template for anyone who wants to come up with some Krauser Pals. Progress- Color Separation Coding=Testing
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