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Liberty Prime

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Everything posted by Liberty Prime

  1. Some adverts on sites lead to drive-by malware, even adverts by innocent creators. Once, mugen-infantry got a false-positive by google (or COMODO, I was using COMODO Dragon at the time), saying that there was malware. I said in my mind "What the heck just happened?!"
  2. [Preview] [Download Link] http://www.mediafire...2cgl33kdbv3lypw NOTE ABOUT DOWNLOAD: I found it a pain in the ass to find on VSelect, and so I had to take the files from the archive and put it into a folder in my chars folder, if you are having problems you might need to do that (if using VSelect, for anything else I have no idea.) [Comments] This is an edit of Rugal, made by @ndroide.
  3. theres about 153 touhou characters (I'm guessing most are edits) are on mugen infantry. I will try to add them here via mediafire if possible. Is this a warning of overpowered characters or something different?
  4. When I get a freett error, I refresh page and it comes up with the "Where do you want to download this file to?" window on chrome. I find it wierd how freett has red/yellow Web of Trust ratings though.
  5. NOTE: If you have a problem downloading it, when I refreshed it I got the character. Same with Sekai character.
  6. Theres about two or three internet memes going on cirno related. The 9 symbol (Question I actually can't answer for some reason: I wonder how this became an internet meme D:), the baka meme (as Magic Toaster says, Cirno is an idiot), and the eye'm the strongest meme (I'm not sure if that one is a meme, though)
  7. I could have spotted that tiny text from a mile away
  8. A weegee, that doesn't use F1 as a Base? Downloading this
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