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Everything posted by ・yoonybin・

  1. Update: The link to the game is now up and running! back up links aka non-torrent route for the game will be uploaded soon! so for now you can only use torrent to get it. thank you all for being patient
  2. Hi hi hi, This is another mugen I have been working on as well called SVCUM 2009 Hi-res 1.1 Mugen but you're probably wondering why, well that's because I've actually been inspired by this video here to make said mugen compilation: except this version I'm working on has been converted to 1.0/1.1 and so far has 1000 characters in it for people with a decent amount of disk space to enjoy. although, I will actually be working more on this mugen to be completed next week or so, but for now I want to showcase this mugen to you guys for you all to enjoy. - Chars (so far): 1000+ - Stages: 10+ - DL Link(s): You can download the mugen (such as the fonts, stages, exe, etc) here and you can get the chars which is in parts here: part 1 & part 2 (yes links have been updated I still stand by what is said in the post I will TRY to complete it the next week or so this month as of 09-11-2023) but when the completed version comes out it will be a torrent so keep that in mind. I will update this post when it has been completed - Preview: Enjoy and if you have any questions or concerns let me know
  3. I decided I will be using this again looks too good to pass up for too long lol
  4. Hi so I was wondering, you guys.. is there any of the following collections that has edits on: Akuma/Gouki Igniz Oswald Ash Rugal Ronald Colonel. Zero Thanks,
  5. Yes, because I stated earlier in the post that I'm going to be re-working on the legacy mugen again because of what occured to the game. I stated it here:
  6. That would mean, that something is wrong regarding your graphics card. maybe try updating your graphic card for I got that error before myself when my graphics card wasn't updated.
  7. Update: I've been receiving concerns, about how you guys aren't able to download the characters due to no seeders and just want to let you know that on my discord I've stated that I'll try to recover the mugen back on my pc thru a software. but if no software can recover the legacy mugen this week. I'll be releasing PT.1 of the SVCUM 1.1 mugen this week and then, proceed working on the legacy mugen all over again.
  8. Hello, I create make mugen rosters for people to download and have a whole youtube channel dedicated to that. an example of that is here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCigG4taNfChvx1l2-U0Ou_w does that count? also forgot to mention that I just in general craeate mugen videos like I did a tutorial, provided a screenpack of legacy, etc...
  9. Introducing.... My Megamix Mugen HD Black Edition Collection (DOWNLOADABLE) - As you can see, this is the black edition of the Megamix Mugen that I decided to work on that hopefully you guys will enjoy as much as the other one! not much to say but that yeah have fun with this and dw it isn't thru mega.nz lmao. you can get it here: https://www.mediafire.com/file/xecogs277rn9od2/Megamix_Mugen_HD_Black_Edition_Collection%28MMMBE%29_%5BBy_Alex_Joseph%5D.rar/file Preview: Back up link: https://mega.nz/file/MSIXVA4B#F6c-ONjJn0IcATG-jbffLWdLr9LxGj1gLiOmO8pjclA
  10. Update: The link for characters is back up under as a torrent even if it's thru mega it should be np so everyone who encounters should no longer have any issues getting the characters now UWU. if you're confused as to why it's a torrent, it's all explained in my discord server: https://discord.gg/qp5jCCswre
  11. If that's the case here are a few possible solutions for this: 1. Make sure you don't have the Megasync toggled when trying to download said file. 2. Use download managers such as MegaDownloader and IDM If that doesn't work try other methods, like other ways to bypass mega download limit. I can try to use other services such as google drive but can't guarantee it will work. let's hope it does though lol
  12. My Mugen Megamix HD Remix Collection [DOWNLOADABLE] Hi, so ˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ I decided to do something a little different andprovide you guys a mugen that you all are probably familiar with and that is Megamix HD Mugen · ♡ Not much to say but that, I literally completed this roster within a day lol but it still was tough shit since, yknow "missing characters" were an obsticle. and that I made this mugen because I didn't see anyone else on here make their version of it and made it downloadable...so yeah lol Enjoy, You can download it here: https://www.mediafire.com/file/f8ghxtnnvs2nty4/Megamix_HD_Remix_Collection_%5BBy_Alex_Joseph%5D.rar/file · ♡ That's all, just a heads-up the mugen will look different for you guys when you download it for, the one you're seeing had missing characters + randomselects I forgot to fill lmao. but yeah, that's about it.
  13. ❥꒰ Hi, this in this case I wanted to do something different...Therefore, introducing... MY LEGACY 1.1 MUGEN [3500+ CHARACTERS] so, basically with this mugen, this mugen was inspired by the situation where Long Tran a youtuber who made a mugen just like this and provided links to it but then disappeared....me and a few other people back then really wanted this game but, he deleted everything and left before we could ever get it... SOOOO, I decided to grab the screenpack that he used aka the 3500+ LEGACY MUGEN 1.1 slot screenpack (which you can get here) and filled it up myself and now that it is done it is now released to you all to play and put a rest to the situation of constantly searching for this mugen that being said, here's some information... - Characters: 3500+ (obviously) - Stages: 75 Stages - Sound aka Music: 5 - DL Link(s): Link has been updated! I decided to upload the entire game via mega.nz! you can get it here (link has been updated, no more mega.nz) - Preview: That is all, I hope you enjoy and, if you have any questions or concerns let me know under this very post btw even more info about this mugen is in the description of the video!
  14. Hi, sorry I responded to this lateee but, the instructions to connect the game and the characters is explained on the DL Link(s) portion of the post but, it's also explained in the description of the video hope this helps!
  15. Hi, thanks for showing me this but, I already decided to work on the LEGACY Mugen 1.1 with 3500+ slots but thank you though
  16. Update: So I tried to add characters on there and they would not show up. RIP is there something I'm doing wrong or somethin?
  17. Hmm, I might fill this up with mainly cheapie chars and make it downloadable xD credit will be given ofc
  18. Update [as of 07/11/2021]: Hi guys, so I noticed some of you were having an issue regarding how the main folder wasn't matching the contents and everything with this version of the mugen so, I would just like to let you guys know that's been fixed and you can get the main folder aka the folder with fonts, stages, data, etc.. here: and it's in the description of the video as well and in the post above. I apologize for the inconvenience have fun everyone
  19. Ah Okay, I see now. sorry for the late reply, ty for further explaining to me
  20. Hey, If you don't mind me asking, mind giving me a run down with exactly happened with this EVE Mugen? I ask because there's so many and this one in particular got me a bit curious and interested..
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