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HALE R@CE CAES@R's Achievements

  1. TMNT Leonardo Get him here - http://infiniteff.forumotion.com/t533-all-chars-by-rce-akir-tmnt-leonardo-released-11-17-18#3126 Note 1: For Mugen 1.0 or Higher only Note 2: This is not an accurate Leonardo whatsoever, it's a customized version of him that takes some elements he had in previous games and also adds in something new as well. Note 3: Check the config file to see changes that can be made into the character.
  2. This is actually just my mine. Its an old edit I did of Astro back in my mvc ish like days.... Cant believe people still want it lol
  3. Benimaru Nikaido Get him here - https://onedrive.live.com/redir?resid=A3DA5D9E084F7896%21108 Note 1: For Mugen 1.0 or Higher only Note 2: This is not an accurate Benimaru whatsoever, it is a custom version of him that takes some elements he had in previous games and also adds something new as well. Note 3: Check the config file to see changes that can be made into the character. Note : Had to make a new topic to post the vid because ot wouldn't let me respost the vid in the first post because of how it was changed in the update to the site. If anyone knows how to fix it so that I can center the vid please let me know.
  4. Sorry I'm just now responding to this but, Man I don't even know when I'll release those two. I have learned so much until I would have to go back and redo my own template I made to make those. I might even have to start over but I don't know. Anyway, some day I will get around to it.
  5. Why would I be? It was a joke, but that doesn't mean your safe from me joking right back at ya lol
  6. ROUGA ZANMA UPDATED 3/31/15 -Fixed it so that now Powered Version of Knuckle and Fang EX are blockable
  7. (Note: I am using Mugen 1.1) I didn't encounter this on my end and I use mugen 1.1 as well but I will try to still check it out to see what the problem is. Thanks
  8. Dizzy no one is going to do that, just please keep it clean Now as for the attacks, you and Kaiser are right, that should not be unblockable so I will make adjustments when I get off of work.
  9. ROUGA ZANMA UPDATED 3/30/15 -Adjust all Advance Frames on Standing and Crouching Normal Attacks -Fixed Infinite Juggle on Napalm. Can only hit p2 one more time -Adjusted both Collisions boxes on Normal Attacks to give Priority -Changed Whoosh sound of the Smash and Knuckle -Changed Voice over during Smash -Adjusted facing and positioning of Hitsparks on some attacks -Changed Priority in Specials and Supermove Hitdefs to what they should be - Tweaked Attack Collision box on Wild Wolf Sharpshooter to be smaller but enough to still hit bigger opponents -Adjusted Dunk so now the harder the kick button the more start up time it has and the more damage it does -Adjusted Both Collision Boxes on Fang/EX Fang so that it can have a wider range and also possibly hit smaller opponents
  10. I actually did tweak those boxes if you go back and look at your past post. But i will refer to other chars to compare to see what you mean -The standing and crouching hard kick i had adjusted the boxes but i guess i will look into that -Same with the Wild Wolf SharpShooter, the box needs to be big like that to make sure p2 gets hit. -The punch, well i can tone that box down, but as the velocity on it, i like it like that so it stays. Gotta fix that kick spark, i didnt catch that, i thought it was good
  11. You could have just told me about it with this that pic above alone instead of going through all of that trouble of making a video on youtube just to point something out. Awesome This is most likely happened because I changed the velocity on one of the updates and it must have back tracked when I clicked the undo button. It's a simple fix, video wasn't really needed but ok its cool, thanks for pointing that out lol I will update it tomorrow as it will give me more time to look more things over.
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