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[PS3] Disgaea Dimension 2


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oh man im hyped for this. Full on sequel to the first disgaea game starring of course Laharl. I am going all out on this game getting everything and the limited edition. Have to wait for Nisa's Localization though. I have been waiting forever for Laharl to have a sequel so its really nice to see the trio together again for a new gen game. for those unaware of how disgaea is played its a tactical Rpg system. Similar to a board like area. if you played final fantasy tactics or know how its played then you basically have the core system of Disgaea figured out. The story is always over the top as are the special attacks. Its one of Disgaea's charms. I reccomend trying the series out in general if you like tactical rpgs.


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  • 4 months later...


thought id revive this thread to say D2 will be out in Fall for USA and this is the new opening I SERIOUSLY CANNOT WAIT! there goes months of my life and im proud to say that.


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the original cast is by far the most popular yet the others are good but its nice to get a next gen game based on them. D5 IS happening but they have given us 0 information about it.


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the D1 cast are what made disgaea period without them their franchise would never start hence why they are shown in every game Nippon makes.


Just my opnion of it I found laharl and flonne very annoying....



Also prinny baal would be epic 

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Flonne i agree at first but she grew on me Laharl I never found annoying because his personality is close to mine in rl. I wonder if they are going to actually carry his char development from the first game to this one.


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