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Omega Tiger Woods updated by THE None 10/29/12

Lord Batros

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  • Remodelled the damage dampener
  • Tweaked most of basic attacks
  • New stading hard attack (with the old one becoming a command normal)
  • Gave lag times to crouching medium and hard attacks
  • Slightly increased lag time on the special move now known as "Man Dies Jumping On His Head"
  • New special moves
  • A super is now actually animated!
  • The crane is slightly nerfed, redrawn and given sound cues
  • Recoded the AI
  • Imrpoved quality of some effects
  • Made the first part of "Man Dies Jumping On His Head" an overhead
  • New intro, win and lose poses
  • Liedown shatter effect given
  • A bunch of palettes given
  • Some other stuff I forgot to mention


My Reason For Living  My little Demon Joesph Jr & My Demon Princess Lilly 
R.I.P Dad i miss u everyday 


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hes a very old character, that i never downloaded, but heard, was SUPER cheap, but i think the none my have fixed that, still. have no interest in having this , just reporting


My Reason For Living  My little Demon Joesph Jr & My Demon Princess Lilly 
R.I.P Dad i miss u everyday 


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hes a very old character, that i never downloaded, but heard, was SUPER cheap, but i think the none my have fixed that, still. have no interest in having this , just reporting

its looks highly cheap..and bleh...

think I'll pass on it.

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