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@Ultimecia, You are stereotyping Mexicans.

@D.B.S. i whish you could say that to me in person so i can beat the shit out of your black ass.

Yea ok

Racism(in joke form) is standard nowadays

How can you "troll" the forums by talking in spanish & yet you can't take a joke?

You gotta get wit the times,child




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Yea ok

Racism(in joke form) is standard nowadays

How can you "troll" the forums by talking in spanish & yet you can't take a joke?

You gotta get wit the times,child

I write in spanish cuz' the person who i am comunicating with knows spanish, and i won't waste my time explaning to you, and you call me a child? just look what you wrote, and know this, i don't get along with dumbfucks like you so fuck you and get lost.


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Dude, is there a issue about being Mexican? Because I don't see a problem with that, do you? Also, I'm saying anything out of place? You're a Mexican? Check. Do you have a Chiuhuaua? Sure, check. So what? Where I'm being offensive? Sorry, I just traveled 4h and I'm too tired to give a damn about yout issues with steryotypes. Grow up My poor doggies, I was getting ready to travel back to my place and when I got the keys they thought I was going to take them to a walk ;_; They are so adorable


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Dude, is there a issue about being Mexican? Because I don't see a problem with that, do you? Also, I'm saying anything out of place?

You're a Mexican? Check. Do you have a Chiuhuaua? Sure, check. So what? Where I'm being offensive?

Sorry, I just traveled 4h and I'm too tired to give a damn about yout issues with steryotypes. Grow up

My poor doggies, I was getting ready to travel back to my place and when I got the keys they thought I was going to take them to a walk ;_;

They are so adorable

I'm proud being a Mexican, but now i see how some people really are, and you tell me to grow up? i won't make things bigger, and don't care anymore, i'm done with this.


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So what? You're a proud Mexican and got a dog from a very traditional Mexican breed known world wide. Is that bad in any way? I had a very traditional Brazilian dog (around here anyway, it was only recently added to the international breeds. It's called Brazilian Terrier and it looks like a Jack Russel) for many years until he died from old age, and it's not really a steryotype, is it? I was TRYING to understand where it's offensive, but looks like I can't.


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I write in spanish cuz' the person who i am comunicating with knows spanish, and i won't waste my time explaning to you, and you call me a child? just look what you wrote, and know this, i don't get along with dumbfucks like you so fuck you and get lost.


Well I was at MFFA before you

So why don't you get lost & find directions back to MFG?

& How am I a dumbfuck when you can't take an overused racist comment which lost all signifigance 9 years ago

Its not any worse than someone sayin "What's Good, MY NIGGAHH!"

Yes you are a child

Not by age

But by how you act

Even kids can take a joke,especially racist ones & give you one back of equal hilarity

if it sounds hypocritical wit me sayin it, you obviously dont know me.

Internet-Troll,Happy-go-lucky,hostile & paranoid nigga. IRL-Very serious, often pissed, hostile, paranoid person

If you weren't on your 7 month long menstrual cycle you'd brush it off & ignore me like you did bout 3 mts ago




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Lily just loves Penellope (my 14 years-old lab), but that's a one-sided love. The poor puppy likes her since the first time she laid her eyes on Penellope, but every time Lily gets too close or try to please, Penellope just barks and scolds her. Sometimes, even bites. To Penellope's credit, sometimes Lily tries to submit herself by showing her tummy when the older dog is sleeping, then Pe wakes up startled and you can figure the rest (just look at this photo)


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So we put Daisy's paw on a plaster today Lily got problems on her knee and back because both of her weight and from jumping from high places, she's going through X-rays too. Today she was sedated to do some acupuncture Holy crap, those puppies couldn't chose a worst time to get health problems


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