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Mortal Kombat Prize Fighter Johnny Cage by Farby Taz released

Lord Batros

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Project Page - http://mugenguild.co...?topic=141061.0


obviously Gai Tendou or how ever u spell that dumb ass's name was used as a base, but thats pretty much were it ends, lots of new moves added ,couple of supers, really well done , gotta say i enjoyed this one


My Reason For Living  My little Demon Joesph Jr & My Demon Princess Lilly 
R.I.P Dad i miss u everyday 


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hmm a GOOD johnny cage thats not cheap? ill look into it. I just got mk9 a few days ago so i might work on a soundpack for it if i think its that good. scratch that he alredy uses the mk 9 sounds OK THEN awesome. hes pretty well done a few things could be added and fixed up. his level 2 does way to much damage however. and WHERES THE FATALITIES!


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i figured out two of his fatalities and they are pretty gay tbh One he shadow kicks rite through you and you fall apart.... Down, Back, Foward, High Kick, Low Kick (mid-range) and the other you uppercut there head off Back, Down, Back, High Punch, Low Punch (close-range)

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I figured out two of his fatalities and they are pretty gay tbh

One he shadow kicks rite through you and you fall apart.... Down, Back, Foward, High Kick, Low Kick (mid-range)

and the other you uppercut there head off Back, Down, Back, High Punch, Low Punch (close-range)

First one I think he had in MKT, the second was one was around since MK1, with varents such as the double and tripple decapitation


It begins again, MORTAL KOMBAAAAAAAAAT!!!!

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