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My BrokenMUGEN: Everything vs Everything (9,000 slots) Roster (PT.1 DOWNLOAD)


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Helloooo, people. it is me again with another wonderful collection! 😄 

- Now, just letting you guys know this mugen is no joke, it does really have over 9000 slots! go ahead post that vegeta gif of him saying "it's over 9000!" LMAO and it is true. someone by the youtuber named: Thonzy but he failed to do one important thing that is IMO a pretty important and nice thing to do for the community and that is sharing said collection. so, while getting inspo from him and Wailordlover (another person who has worked on BrokenMugen) I decided to make a collection with this wonderful SP, and share it with you all. Now, that I got that out of the way, let's talk about the info of said collection:


Chars: 2,791

Stages: around 400 to be exact (I know in my desc of the video below I said 200+ but I was wayyy off lmao)

Link(s): You can get this mugen here

Note: This mugen is called PT.1 (aka PART 1) for a reason, this has around 2k chars because once this is finished it will be exactly 9k chars, so once that time comes when this is completed I will go into more detail because this is no joke so for now enjoy this part 😄 this will have the Mugen All-stars EVE  treatment. meaning part 1 have a good amount chars and the second/final part will be completed!


Kpop Fan | Otaku | Wrestling Fan | Simmer | Discord Bot Developer | Graphic Designer | Mugen Youtuber


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