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Char sound issue



Yeah so...

I just codin' stuff and as I was testing him,

no sound


The code in question:

; Sliding kick

[Statedef 240]

type = S

movetype = A

physics = S

ctrl = 0

anim = 240

sprpriority = 2


[State 240, 2] ;Add velosity so look smooth (much better then posadd!)

type = VelAdd

trigger1 = animelem = 2

x = 10


[State 240, PlaySnd]

type = PlaySnd

trigger1 = animelem = 2

value = S0,20

volumescale = 999


[State 240, Explod]

type = Explod

trigger1 = animelem = 2

anim = F120

pos = 0,0

postype = P1 ;P2, Front, Back, Left, Right

supermovetime = 0

pausemovetime = 0

scale = 1,1

sprpriority = 3

shadow = 0,0,0


[State 0, VelAdd]

type = VelAdd

trigger1 = animelem = 1

x = -2


[State 240, NotHitBy]

type = NotHitBy

trigger1 = animelem = 2

value = SCA,AA,AP

time = 13


[State 240, NotHitBy]

type = NotHitBy

trigger1 = var(59)>0 && animelem = 1

value = SCA,AA,AP

time = 10


[State 240]

Type = AfterImage

Trigger1 = time = 0

Trans = Add

Time = 20

Length = 10

PalBright = 0,0,0

palcontrast = 44,44,44

PalAdd = 0,0,25

PalMul = .5,.5,.5


[State 240, 4]

type = HitDef

trigger1 = animelem = 2

attr = S, NA

animtype = Hard

damage= 63,20

getpower = 73,30

guardflag = MA

hitflag = MAF

pausetime = 5,5

guard.pausetime = 5,3

priority = 10, Hit

sparkno = s2001

sparkxy = 3,-17

hitsound = 5,3

guardsound = 6,0

ground.type = Low

ground.slidetime = 12

ground.hittime = 15

ground.velocity = -6

air.velocity = -7,-4

air.fall = 1

fall = 1


[State 240, 4]

type = HitDef

trigger1 = PalNo = 5 && animelem = 2

attr = S, NA

animtype = Hard

damage= 63,20

getpower = 73,30

guardflag = MA

hitflag = MAF

pausetime = 5,5

guard.pausetime = 5,3

priority = 10, Hit

sparkno = 2

sparkxy = 3,-17

hitsound = 5,3

guardsound = 6,0

ground.type = Low

ground.slidetime = 12

ground.hittime = 15

ground.velocity = -6

air.velocity = -7,-4

air.fall = 1

fall = 1


[State 240, 4]

type = HitDef

trigger1 = animelem = 3

attr = S, NA

animtype = Medium

damage= 30,10

getpower = 40,20

guardflag = MA

hitflag = MAF-

pausetime = 3,3

priority = 3, Hit

sparkno = s2000

sparkxy = 3,-18

hitsound = 5,1

guardsound = 6,0

ground.type = Low

ground.slidetime = 12

ground.hittime = 15

ground.velocity = -3

air.velocity = -2,-1

guard.velocity = 3

ground.hittime = 6


[State 240, 4]

type = HitDef

trigger1 = PalNo = 5 && animelem = 3

attr = S, NA

animtype = Medium

damage= 30,10

getpower = 40,20

guardflag = MA

hitflag = MAF-

pausetime = 3,3

priority = 3, Hit

sparkno = 0

sparkxy = 3,-18

hitsound = 5,1

guardsound = 6,0

ground.type = Low

ground.slidetime = 12

ground.hittime = 15

ground.velocity = -3

air.velocity = -2,-1

guard.velocity = 3

ground.hittime = 6


[State 240, 5]

type = ChangeState

trigger1 = animtime = 0

value = 0

ctrl = 1


[State 200, 3]

type = ChangeState ; tis can use for autocombo (below the changestate also can be use like that)

triggerall = power >= 1000

trigger1 = movehit = 1 && command = "z"

value = 250

ctrl = 0


[State 200, 3]

type = ChangeState

trigger1 = movecontact && command = "x"

value = 230

ctrl = 0


[State 200, 3]

type = ChangeState

trigger1 = command = "holddown"

value = 11

ctrl = 1


[State 200, 3]

type = ChangeState

triggerall = animelem = 4

trigger1 = command = "holdfwd"

value = 100

ctrl = 1


The problem:



And the sound itself in question:



Anyone whose going to tell me what issue Im having RN?


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