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Here Come a New Challenger Trailer Connect with My New Project for Ikemen go


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This Project is base of the New coming soon trailer of "Here Come a New Challenger Documentary for Street Fighter 2"
here the trailer
Here Comes A New Challenger (2023) Official Trailer


Base off my Project





Special Thanks to Mugen Character and Stages Creator that be included in this Coming Soon Project
1. Electro His Characters "Mentor and Good Friend of My"
2. OmegaPsycho His Characters "Missing in Action"
3. Dark Saviors    His Stages "Missing in Action
4. MASA              His Characters "Lost from Outer Space"
5. N64Mario        His Characters "Sheng Long Master Lurking in the Shadow"
6. Lamsabre Demon His Char Attachment Code and Help "My Teacher and Interactive Stage MASTER"
7. OldGamer       His Screen Pack "My Screen Pack" and for this Project.
8. DJMouF          His Help in Character coding fixes "The Guy is amazing"
9. BDC                His Help for making it clear in LUA Coding for the Ikemen go

All sprites were rip from the Original Asset of Street Fighter 2: Champion Edition
WinKakws 1.63
Nebula 2.25B

Special thanks to the Bezel Project Community to Help me get the Bezel for Ikemen go Software 

Character Included are
1. Ryu
2. Ken
3. Guile
4. Blanka
5. Chun li
6. E.Honda
7. Dhalsim 
8. Zangief
9. Barlog
11. Sagat
12. M.Bison

SLOT TYPE Choose Characters included in the select roster
1. Ultimate M.Bison
2. Ultimate Ryu 
3. Ultimate Zangief
4. Ultimate Ken
5. Ultimate Sagat
6. Ultimate Dhalsim (Alpha_V1)
7. Ultimate Guile (Alpha_V1)

Unlock characters when beating the game
1.  Ultimate Dee Jay (Alpha_V1)
2.  Akuma/ Gouki
3. Cammy SSF2
4. Fei Long SSF2
5. T.Hawk SSF2

Hidden Characters that will show up at random
1. Broken Ryu from Street Fighter 2 Rainbow Edition
2. Broken Guile from Street Fighter 2 Rainbow Edition

Boss Fight and Encounters
1. Akuma 
2. M.Bison

Bonus Stages includes
1. Car
2. Rolling wooden Barrels 
3. Oil Metal flamed Barrels 

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