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Toy Mario and Toy Luigi by NESMario aka NESMario123 aka RANK7YGO


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Well, this one is pretty big news, so might as well make a thread about it. It was when dangan987654max pointed me out the pastebin that I really started to looking into long lost chars pasted there. Many of the chars there were also sought after by Gene Worm, Poyochan, and others. I was planning to look into it eventually, and many other requests here on MFFA, but I had other priorities I wanted to do first such as helping a good amount building the collections, but since dangan987654max asked me directly, I just accepted his request and started looking into the list. I checked all of them, and only Haisyu came up after searching the chars folders. For Toy Mario Bros, they were in my Mario Collection, separated. I found them, and I had them. I uploaded them on mediafire and posted links to here, and to MUGEN Lost Media Archive Wiki. Shortly after, I made a video about these chars for more exposure. For some reason, I totally forgot Poyochan was looking for these chars because I saw Poyochan's request thread at Mugenguild before, but now Poyochan does have them, and so do many other people such as XxJUMPSCAREZxx The Fox. This all took place in April 6, 2023. Toy Mario & Toy Luigi wiki page was then updated to, "Found", on the 7th, and I was credited for finding them. 😄 How did I obtain them? I went back to Mugen Database Wiki and looked at the history. It was 2012 when I added NESMario's Marios to the wiki, and probably at that time I downloaded his Toy Mario Bros pack which contained Toy Mario and Toy Luigi at NESMario's official site. If I would have known earlier that they went offline shortly after and were wanted by many, I would have uploaded these guys... but then I was inactive back then, and I came back this year in 2023, and I just forgot about them, until now. lol, but there you have it. Toy Mario Bros. by NESMario, long lost chars now found and available!

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