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Fightmare Beta

Guest lumppowraca

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Guest lumppowraca
and finally download beta http://fightmare.dbv.pl/readarticle.php?article_id=9 beta have 12 playable characters include Ash, Freddy, Jason, Michael Myers, Chucky, Tallman(beta), Jill Roberts, Candyman, Maniac Cop, Leon, Jason Human, Leatherface and special chars like a tallmans army:P enjoy.... soon i upload extension pack to beta with critters, zombies, killer klowns, tallman final and fixed myers, jason human, ash;p
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Shit, im Dling a mp4 off of youtube, and its a big one so i cant Dl it tonight, but oh yes i will be grabbing that when i wake up 2morrow, sweet!, looking forward to this


My Reason For Living  My little Demon Joesph Jr & My Demon Princess Lilly 
R.I.P Dad i miss u everyday 


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Allthough the number of followers you have is nothing compared to Terrordrome fanbase, I still wanted to drop a line. The reason I didnt want my game being ripped off was to avoid seeing a crappy compilation of my work like in your game (you're not the first one and certainly won't be the last since you mugen guy seems to enjoy ripping stuffs no matter what it is rather then anything else) Terrordrome is free and yet people feel the need to take the sprites to redo they ugly version of TRDM, what can I say. Ultimately I wasn't against a true port of TRDM into Mugen engine, but I didn't know how trustful mugen people could be. Overall the mugen community has been pretty respectful regarding my work and the administrator of all well-known site have closed TRDM rippers threads, but once in a while, comes a guy like you and here we are again. OH and and how were you planning to release Pinhead and Herbert if I wasn't to release them in TRDM?

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Guest lumppowraca

because i create pinhead myself like a leprechaun, i know TRDM is the best fighting game on the world, i play in this on my friend home because on my pc isnt work;/ i can play only in mugen and i do mugen version of this with more chars list

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Allthough the number of followers you have is nothing compared to Terrordrome fanbase, I still wanted to drop a line.

The reason I didnt want my game being ripped off was to avoid seeing a crappy compilation of my work like in your game (you're not the first one and certainly won't be the last since you mugen guy seems to enjoy ripping stuffs no matter what it is rather then anything else) Terrordrome is free and yet people feel the need to take the sprites to redo they ugly version of TRDM, what can I say.

Ultimately I wasn't against a true port of TRDM into Mugen engine, but I didn't know how trustful mugen people could be. Overall the mugen community has been pretty respectful regarding my work and the administrator of all well-known site have closed TRDM rippers threads, but once in a while, comes a guy like you and here we are again.

OH and and how were you planning to release Pinhead and Herbert if I wasn't to release them in TRDM?

Slow ya roll their Sparky .......... so your saying that were Not well Known? id Say were pretty Well Known & are just As Active,if not more so then some,......So u Created Terrordome huh? 1st off, Very Nice Work, 2nd Pay Attention to the name of the Forum u joined ...were called MUGEN FREE FOR ALL, so no one here is going to shut down Lumppowraca's post because its the "Mugen Rule" Thing to do, Fuck Mugen Rules & The People That Fallow Them, Until SNK ,Capcom,Sega,Nintendo & Ect, show up and tell me i cant use their Products For Mugen, im going too, in my eyes THEY ARE THE ONLY ONES WITH THE RIGHT TO BITCH, & someone who Creates original Characters, Everyone else Are just Making Copies of Characters/Stages, That Someone else Came up with 1st...But u know all about people who came up with the characters 1st & telling u to stop,now dont u.... if u are who u say u are....then the Words Threat OF A Copyright Lawsuit .... Means alot to you

You Know What, im sorry, im usually a Very nice/Well likable person, but when u said that Well Known Site Line, Dude u touched a nerve , This is my Net Home, ive made some really good Friends here, were all about keeping mugen 100% Free & for Everybody, we always try to be as helpful as we can when someone is having problems with mugen or in Real life , ive went thru some crap in my life a few months a go & if it wasnt for a few of those good friends i talked about earlier theres no telling where i would have ended up, .......but basically , fine ur pissed at Lump about the Frightmare Thing, Fine But dont come here & take a Pot shot at MFFA


My Reason For Living  My little Demon Joesph Jr & My Demon Princess Lilly 
R.I.P Dad i miss u everyday 


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Personally I love the FIGHTMARE idea. Terrordrome is great and it'd be great if you did a port of the chars to the Mugen engine... until then, I'm cool with having Lump's conversions in my roster. The animations may not be as smooth as the originals but Mugen is all about customization. Nobody means any harm by taking your work. You made it possible to play as Freddy Krueger, etc before Mortal Kombat did it. I wish the MKP guys and the Terrordrome guys truely converted their chars to MUGEN. I want as many different chars in my Mugen as I can. I have the Terrordrome game AND I download Lump's conversions to put into my personal Mugen to face more than horror people. I'm respecting your work by having the original game... but since its obvious you'll never put them into Mugen where I can use them against Ryu, etc, why not use these conversions? You guys could at least collaborate together to bring them to Mugen in a way that makes everyone happy.

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  • 1 month later...
  • 4 weeks later...

I wouldn't look at it as someone stealing your work, your project is still the one most people want to see. Even if people make their own versions, add new things and whatever... the original project was yours, and I don't think too many people out there would see the ripped mugen chars as anything more as a taste of things to come. I myself was devastated when I read that the original TerrorDrome game was being axed due to copyright. But now you have the chance to complete your work via Mugen, and I wouldn't go looking at the negatives of people editing your work ... my favorite band (AC/DC) had an album come out a couple of years ago, and a couple of weeks before it was officially released, it had been leaked on the net, and so many people where downloading it via torrent that it, I think, became the highest amount of leechers and seeders a torrent has ever seen within a couple of days... but it still didn't stop the album from being released, and it still went to #1 and blah blah blah I'll admit, i'd suck a cock to have gotten those Terror Drome chars on my regular mugen... but it still wont stop me from downloading your completed game when it's done. And I'm still hoping you are dedicated to completing it. And if it comes down to it, i'll get on my hands and knees and do the deed for you to send me the completed version of Terror Drome if you ever continue that one too. well...not really suck a cock tho, more just kiss some ass and stuff, so ZombieBrock...*whip*.....down boy.

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  • 2 weeks later...

not to be mean but you really either should put more effort or just give up all your characters are horrible when you take them out of the full game and even in the full game there are so many missing moves,sprites,bugs that it could take you a very long time and even tho i pointed out some of the things you should fix i really dont see you doing them at all sorry iam not one to candy coat things and most of the time i don't give feedback at all

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