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Hey Guys,

Just a quick release for you all to enjoy: my next stage. This is Mushin's Temple from InuYasha: A Feudal Fairytale.



;----------------- README -----------------;


Name: Mushin's Temple

MUGEN Version: 1.0

Author: Alexei Roschak (kenshinx0)

Source: InuYasha: A Feudal Fariytale.


This is my second stage done in the same style as my Bone Eater's Well stage. This one was a lot harder than it seemed in the end but the job got

done, although I had to improvise in some areas. I hope you all like it.

All textures were ripped from the source and and assembled by me. The moon is 3D and the shooting star appears in the sky

every 10 seconds or so. The waterfall was almost impossible to emulate due to the lack of sprites so I did what I could with it.

The mist at the bottom of the waterfall was also nowhere to be found, so I made my own. This goes for the glow of the lanterns

as well. I had the option of making the entire stage darker to reflect the midnight fight setting more, but I chose against it due to

the various graphical bugs that occur when any character uses BGPalFx in combination with a sub-type transparent background element.

Long story short: I did what I felt looked best and most stable.

Music is from the source.

To Install:

Place "MushinsTemple.def" and "MushinsTemple.sff" in the "stages" folder of your mugen directory.

Place "MushinsTemple.mp3" in your "sound" folder of your mugen directory.



-[Все слова это только слова.]-

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