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I have a question


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Hey everyone! Im very new to Mugen (As in, making my first character now) and I have run into an issue. Im making a version of Zeke from Draglade (Yeah, following the Ryon tutorial) and Im trying to give him a grab where he holds the opponent up in the air, then it starts raining arrows onto him before Zeke knocks the opponent away. However, when the arrows hit the opponent, they get hit out of the custom state and just fall to the ground. Is there any way to have the arrows not put the enemy into a new animation when they hit? Many thanks

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That requires making another custom state and applying p2stateno to that custom state to the arrows she shoots. You can basically copy the code from the air version of the gethit state but code it where the gravity is much lighter until the arrows are done hitting the opponent.

This may sound complicated, but with practice it's quite simple.

There are many methods of lightening gravity:
Using VelAdd and setting y to a negative value but the absolute value must be less than the yaccel constant.
Using VelMul with a value greater than 0 but less than 1 on the y value.
Using physics=N and using VelAdd that gets the constant yaccel and subtracts, multiplies, or divides it to lighten the gravity.

I know all of this because I have 5 years of experience with the engine.

Here is a demonstration of Gravity Modifying: https://streamable.com/29wfbg

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