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Rocko released with "updates" to Zim,Stimpy, and Blue Aaradvark


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Rocko: http://www.mediafire.com/?n3dxvjwwmuhe8hz

Zim V2: http://www.mediafire.com/?ugdv1i7w6jk4nny

Stimpy V2: http://www.mediafire.com/?phk4l7yk7c328yh

Blue Aardvark V1.5: http://www.mediafire.com/?a2qqaev5lwaeuhw

Comment- I kinda helped Wlan with betas of these I haven't played the final versions of these yet but telling by the video I don't like Wlans tweaks one bit he should have left my recoding untouched. Never the less I will "patch" these in short matter of time.

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-_- oh god no keep that shit outta here lol. Dude don't patch his stuff if you do hes going to keep making it hoping you will make it playable so he doesn't even try and if he is it doesn't show to well. If you stop helping him maybe he will give up on creating forever (I sure hope so)

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To be honest I wanted to post this because I want to post the patches I plan to release here it won't be hard because I had the beta I can port things easily to correct the problems...err the ones Wlan created anyway. And don't worry Laharl I told Wlan a bit ago already that after Rocko and these other guys posted here that he would be on his own for any future releases, weather or not he will improve (doubtful) is yet to be seen. I will however continue to support and patch these old characters oh and after I make the patch files feel free to point out any bugs I might have missed. Oh and a played his Rocko for some odd reason he punches and kicks like he's on crack it's funny, but it's not good gameplaywise.

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that video showing the patch is amazing so much better than his original dear god. Yours actually looks half decent dude. I gotta say. You are the only way his creations are playable rofl.

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After playing the so called 1.2 update of Rocko i'm saying FUCK it I'm just washing my hands of anything that Wlan has made from this point (unless Laharl thinks I should finish the Rocko beta in my own way of course) grr I why does it seem like all my efforts to fix these went to total waste you would think that Wlan if he at least can't code he would at least leave the stuff I did alone, but no he thought he could tweak things that were better left alone and the final Rocko somehow plays nothing like the beta i sent him why? Sorry if I'm venting but I looked at the clsn and my rage just exploded when looked at his Clsn he took my decently done Clsn boxes on Rocko erased them then proceeded to spam the Auto Clsn button on the animations GRRR Well I have one thing to say to the creator and that is this http://youtu.be/c7LrViaPq7M and trust me I'm not just a mean old troll that likes to say mean things just to make myself feel better it's just Wlan really got me mad.

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i think you should finish Rocko release it and the others that seem worth doing then call it quits on him rofl. rocko looks somewhat playable id actually use him in my real roster if you finish it for the better. same with stimpy I would actually request you fix his Zim cause I love zim but the sprites he used and attacks are retarded.

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Sorry Laharl if i lost my cool, I will work on these again as soon I finish Taz I need some time to cool off about this for a little while so I'm not quite ready to patch these right now but I work resume work on these as soon as I'm done with Taz. Oh here's funny tidbit on MFG BowserKoopa left some feedback the funny thing is some of the things he pointed out were not problems in the beta. Bowerkoopa's feedback on MFG- "-What is Spunky supposed to do? Did you even make an attack for him? There's no point in even calling him, or even making the helper at all." (I removed Spunky in the beta for this reason yet Wlan put him back in. Oh I did mention I removed Zim's mini moose for this reason too.) "-Why is it that NONE of his normals actually chain into his cr. HP? cr. lk can chain into cr. mk and cr. hk but cr. lp and cr. mp DON'T chain into cr. hp" (It did in the beta lol.) "-Why do you put a lot of unnecessary clsn 2s on him? It makes his .air take up more space. (again the beta had better Clsns.)" Figured I would post the feedback for few laughs.

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