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Administrators or Admins are the highest ranking staff members.  They oversee all aspects of the forum and make sure everything runs properly.  

They are not generally responsible for managing social conflicts, but will do so when they see fit.

More so they oversee the rest of staff, handle technical operations, give roles and awards to members and manage the forum from low orbit at the big-picture level.


Global Moderators, aka G-Mods, Global mods, or gmods are the sites peace keepers.

They make sure everyone remains civil and follows the forums Guidelines. They try to resolve conflicts as fairly as possible, and if things escalate they issue verbal warnings, official warning points, and ultimately temporary or permanent site bans.  

They also do general organizing work around the site like making sure members are posting in the right forums and answering basic questions.  

When you click the 'Report this Post' button on a post, or the 'Report to Staff' button at the bottom of the page, it notifies all the G-Mods and Admins.


The Collections Curators work to upkeep the Collections section of the forum. They act as Section moderators there, making sure posts are where they should be, and occasionally reclaiming abandoned collections and upkeeping them.

Sometimes they'll revive an abandoned collection by passing off ownership to someone else. So if you see a collection where the last comment says it's abandoned and seeking a new owner, contact a Collection Curator if you'd like to be that new owner.

A collection is considered abandoned if it hasn't had any activity in 2+ years and the owner has not visited the site in 2+ years.


Event Overeers manage events in the Special Events section like Character / Stage of the Month / Year, and The Monthly Judgement. You can read more about these events there, or by checking the Features tab in the nav bar, and selecting Special Events from the sub-menu.


If you're interested in participating in any of these, you'll find instructions there, or you can contact an Event Overseer if you still have any questions.


The Ikemen Senseis manage the Ikemen Dojo, which is the sites Ikemen hub. If you're interested in playing Mugen online against other people, that's the place to visit. We have a Discord server dedicated to this purpose as well.

When things are running smoothly we try to have an Ikemen Tourney once per season (4 times a year / every 3 months). If you're interested in participating, check out the Dojo or the server.


The Social Media Squad, or Soc-Med Squad for short don't really do much moderation or organization around the site. They mostly just run our offsite accounts which we call our "outposts", such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Tumblr etc.

Our Discord server is another story altogether. Most of the staff are present there,. It's not the territory of the Social Media Squad.


If you're interested in joining the team

and helping to run the forum please 

apply here. You don't need to be a vet 
on the site or anything, you just need
to be active and interested.


Apply for Staff Here



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