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Hey Ecchire!  Welcome to MugenFreeForAll!  Enjoy your stay here!



Currently LPing: Higurashi - When They Cry (Steam)  /  Legend of Zelda - Temples of Turmoil Revamped (ZC)
Next LPs: A Boy & His Blob (NES)  /  Legend of Zelda - First Quest Layered (ZC)

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Hello fellas :3 i'm taz i'am new but i'm old in mugen thingys i did a lot of things but i never poster anything but i looked in that site a lot of time.


So if i ever do some work in mugen i'll show it and if i ever find some rare chars or anything that is needed , i'll post them here to let people that searched it for so long and that came too late to find it here.


Also i would really like to know if someone can fix somethings in some stages or chars i use too much time on that that can be usefull on other things i know better so it would be nice. 

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Hello all! I used to be just a guy who lurks and gets characters, filling those empty spaces on my roster till now. I don't know if I will be active after this post, though. I am working on 3 characters, and none of them are remotely close to done. I would continue them, but FF3 is acting up on this new computer, so progress has been slow.

oh hey look shameless self-promotion of a nerd's YT channel

I hope I can atleast contribute something to this site.

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Hi, my name is which you see in my profile (haha) and I'm spanish.

I discovered mugen in 2013, and fastly started a project with story mode.

Recently I lost all my data in my hard disk, and I restartes the mugen from 0.

Now it's better than in 2013/2014/2015.

I registered in this forum because I know you are good persons who don't want to hurt my feelings (like in other forums...), and I would appreciate if you could watch and give me your feedback of my mugen.


Thank you a lot, and sorry for my english.

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Heya TheFil!  Welcome to MugenFreeForAll!  Enjoy your time here!  :3



Currently LPing: Higurashi - When They Cry (Steam)  /  Legend of Zelda - Temples of Turmoil Revamped (ZC)
Next LPs: A Boy & His Blob (NES)  /  Legend of Zelda - First Quest Layered (ZC)

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hello everybody! i made an account to say that what you guys are doing its awesome!

about me:

i dont know how to code

my drawing skills are low

i like almost any kind of music

i hope we can be friends and being welcome by you guys

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hello my name is cristopeles
  I'm from chile and want to share and learn something New York New York with people from here as you can see but entinedo English'm Latino and I'm always looking for that internet use: p greetings !!!



hola mi nombre es cristopeles
 soy de chile y quisiera compartir y aprender algo nuev con gente de aca  como podran ver soy latino pero entinedo ingles y siempre lo estoy estudiando por que uso por internet :p  saludos!!!

la vida es UMA DELICIA uwu

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