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[Gen7][Meta] UnderUbers discussion: (May Tier update)

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So Gen 7 is here, and with it we gained a bunch of new threats, including some familiar faces. Of course, the status quo never persists between generations and Gen 7 is no exception. We all know that Pokemon that are deemed to powerful or uncompetitive for the standard tiers are banished to the Ubers tier, but what if Ubers was a usage based tier just like all the other tiers in competitive battling? How would the metagame of the lower tiers look? To simulate this, I bring you UnderUbers.

Also because there's been some confusion regarding this tier, allow me to say, this is NOT an official tier on neither Smogon nor Pokemon Online, and is not officially supported on any simulators. Furthermore, this tier is not officially endorsed by Nintendo/Gamefreak/TPCi. I'm not sure what would make you think the latter was the case, but people have asked me that.


For those who wish to play this tier on simulators, you can do so as either under the  Singles Ubers option or, on Showdown, under "Custom Battle" under the Singles Battle option.

General Rules

  • Battles are done as 6vs6 Single battles.
  • Item Clause: OFF (you may use any number of the same item).
  • Species Clause: ON (You cannot use two Pokemon with the same Pokedex number).
  • Sleep Clause: ON (only one Pokemon may be put to sleep at any given time. This does not include sleep induced by the move Rest)
  • Evasion Clause: The moves Double Team and Minimize cannot be used.
  • OHKO Clause: The moves Fissure, Guillotine, Horn Drill, and Sheer Cold cannot be used.
  • Self-KO Clause: In the event of a tie caused by the use of Selfdestruct, Explosion, Destiny Bond, Perish Song, Memento, Final Gambit, or any similar suicidal move, the user of these moves will be considered to have lost the match. Self-KOs caused by recoil moves and Life Orb also fall under this category.
  • Arceus Clause: Arceus may be used, but must be holding either a plate item or a Z-Crystal. In addition, Arceus cannot be holding the Pixie, Spooky, Earth, Iron, or Splash plates, nor is Arceus permitted to be holding Fairium-Z, Ghostium-Z, Groundium-Z, Normalium-Z, Steelium-Z, or Waterium-Z.
  • Mega Rayquaza Clause: Rayquaza is not allowed to Mega Evolve.
  • Eligible Pokemon must have attained no more than 3.41% usage in the Ubers metagame, according to Smogon's 1630 ladder stats. Tier shifts will every 3 months, just like every other tier.


List of Pokemon banned from UnderUbers:

  • 681.pngAegislash
  • CGy54wO.pngdpuhIuo.png493.pngtPCP7tF.png Arceus-Fairy, Arceus-Ground, Arceus-Normal, Arceus-Water
  • 257-m.png Blaziken-Mega
  • 491.png Darkrai
  • 386a.png386s.png Deoxys-Attack, Deoxys-Speed
  • 132.png Ditto
  • 598.png Ferrothorn
  • 094-m.png Gengar-Mega
  • 487o.png Giratina-Origin
  • 383-p.png Groudon-Primal
  • 250.png Ho-oh
  • 382-p.png Kyogre-Primal
  • 646-w.png Kyurem-White
  • 448-m.png Lucario-Mega
  • 249.png Lugia
  • 792.png Lunala
  • 801.png Magearna
  • 802.png Marshadow
  • 150-mx.png150-my.png Mewtwo-Mega X, Mewtwo-Mega Y
  • 804.png Naganadel
  • 800-dm.png800-u.png Necrozma-DuskMane, Necrozma-Ultra
  • 384.png384-m.png Rayquaza, Rayquaza-Mega
  • 373-m.png Salamence-Mega
  • 492s.png Shaymin-Sky
  • 235.png Smeargle
  • 716.png Xerneas
  • 717.png Yveltal
  • 807.png Zeraora
  • 718-c.png Zygarde-Complete


List of Items banned from UnderUbers:

Blue Orb, Gengarite, Griseous Orb, Blazikenite, Lucarionite, Marshadium Z, Mewtwonite X, Mewtwonite Y, Red Orb, Salamencite, Ultranecrozium Z


List of Moves banned from UnderUbers:

Baton Pass


List of Abilities banned from UnderUbers:

Moody, Power Construct

  • 4 weeks later...

So December's usage statistics are out. Since Gen 7 has only been out for two months, a system of quick rises & quick drops will be used, where any Pokemon above 6.70% usage will be banned from UnderUbers, while anything below 1.72% usage will be allowed in UnderUbers. Anything in between remains unchanged.




Name    Nov    Dec
Groudon-Primal    66.31%    68.64%
Xerneas    44.79%    47.33%
Yveltal    35.48%    34.64%
Lunala    34.13%    23.93%
Arceus-Normal    38.03%    23.83%
Salamence-Mega    13.21%    23.10%
Solgaleo    37.41%    19.43%
Kyogre-Primal    9.70%    17.51%
Deoxys-A    7.99%    16.43%
Zygarde-50%    4.37%    15.73%
Gengar-Mega    16.55%    14.07%
Lucario-Mega    1.29%    13.33%
Arceus-Water    10.65%    13.08%
Giratina-O    11.28%    11.50%
Ho-oh    13.87%    10.14%
Lugia    9.20%    9.61%
Rayquaza    17.79%    7.75%
Deoxys-S    5.11%    7.74%
Arceus-Ground    9.15%    7.57%
Aegislash    2.09%    7.19%
Arceus-Ghost    8.46%    7.14%
Magearna    6.03%    6.93%
;------------Quick Rise Cutoff--------------
Kangaskhan-Mega    6.36%    5.94%
Tapu Lele    5.87%    5.62%
Kyurem-White    0.13%    5.51%
Darkrai    1.05%    5.26%
Mewtwo    1.39%    5.23%
Arceus-Fairy    4.83%    4.89%
Ferrothorn    1.56%    4.68%
Toxapex    7.50%    4.59%
Arceus-Dark    5.22%    4.51%
Smeargle    2.60%    4.12%
Dialga    2.56%    4.07%
Ditto    1.56%    4.03%
Pheromosa    21.02%    3.90%
Shaymin-Sky    2.42%    3.88%
Blaziken    2.16%    3.68%
Palkia    5.54%    3.00%
Giratina-A    0.03%    2.87%
Chansey    6.12%    2.77%
Scolipede    0.00%    2.74%
Greninja-Ash    12.00%    2.72%
Excadrill    0.00%    2.69%
Arceus-Steel    0.38%    2.50%
Zekrom    2.09%    2.46%
Kartana    3.78%    2.40%
Kyogre    0.00%    2.39%
Sableye-Mega    1.33%    2.15%
Arceus-Rock    3.95%    2.13%
Greninja    2.39%    2.01%
Genesect    8.00%    1.96%
Eevee    8.72%    1.86%
Tapu Koko    3.39%    1.85%
;------------Quick Drop Cutoff--------------





The Following Pokemon are now Banned from UnderUbers


Aegislash, Lucario (Mega), Magearna


The Following Pokemon are now Allowed in UnderUbers:

724.pngRegular Form205.png784.png[IMG]547.png

Decidueye, Dugtrio, Forretress, Kommo-o, Tyranitar, Whimsicott

  • 1 month later...

January's usage stats are out, and a system of quick rises & quick drops will be used, where any Pokemon above 4.52% usage will be banned from UnderUbers, while anything below 2.28% usage will be allowed in UnderUbers. Anything in between remains unchanged.



Name    Nov    Dec    Jan    TOTAL
Groudon-Primal    66.31%    68.64%    66.84%    67.0437%
Xerneas    44.79%    47.33%    45.50%    45.6996%
Yveltal    35.48%    34.64%    34.82%    34.8275%
Arceus-Normal    38.03%    23.83%    25.20%    25.5661%
Salamence-Mega    13.21%    23.10%    21.73%    21.5502%
Lunala    34.13%    23.93%    20.08%    21.1487%
Kyogre-Primal    9.70%    17.51%    18.88%    18.3244%
Solgaleo    37.41%    19.43%    15.43%    16.8433%
Deoxys-A    7.99%    16.43%    14.89%    14.7951%
Gengar-Mega    16.55%    14.07%    14.65%    14.6595%
Lucario-Mega    1.29%    13.33%    13.67%    13.1100%
Giratina-O    11.28%    11.50%    12.35%    12.1960%
Zygarde-50%    4.37%    15.73%    11.31%    11.5736%
Arceus-Water    10.65%    13.08%    11.04%    11.2759%
Ho-oh    13.87%    10.14%    11.03%    11.0339%
Lugia    9.20%    9.61%    9.85%    9.7966%
Rayquaza    17.79%    7.75%    9.58%    9.6962%
Magearna    6.03%    6.93%    9.63%    9.1400%
Arceus-Ground    9.15%    7.57%    7.92%    7.9297%
Aegislash    2.09%    7.19%    7.44%    7.1840%
Deoxys-S    5.11%    7.74%    6.83%    6.8733%
Arceus-Ghost    8.46%    7.14%    6.29%    6.4896%
Kyurem-White    0.13%    5.51%    6.42%    6.0441%
Kangaskhan-Mega    6.36%    5.94%    5.84%    5.8705%
Tapu Lele    5.87%    5.62%    5.64%    5.6432%
Mewtwo    1.39%    5.23%    5.89%    5.6205%
Ferrothorn    1.56%    4.68%    5.53%    5.2585%
Shaymin-Sky    2.42%    3.88%    4.86%    4.6322%
Smeargle    2.60%    4.12%    4.74%    4.5754%
;---------------HIGH CUTOFF----------------------
Darkrai    1.05%    5.26%    4.50%    4.4552%
Arceus-Fairy    4.83%    4.89%    4.15%    4.2717%
Arceus-Dark    5.22%    4.51%    4.19%    4.2697%
Pheromosa    21.02%    3.90%    3.47%    4.2561%
Ditto    1.56%    4.03%    4.14%    4.0142%
Dialga    2.56%    4.07%    4.06%    3.9998%
Blaziken    2.16%    3.68%    4.01%    3.8924%
Arceus-Steel    0.38%    2.50%    4.15%    3.7867%
Giratina-A    0.03%    2.87%    3.96%    3.6591%
Toxapex    7.50%    4.59%    2.94%    3.3321%
Chansey    6.12%    2.77%    3.07%    3.1609%
Genesect    8.00%    1.96%    3.09%    3.1573%
Excadrill    0.00%    2.69%    3.27%    3.0634%
Scolipede    0.00%    2.74%    3.23%    3.0357%
Greninja-Ash    12.00%    2.72%    2.59%    2.9992%
Zekrom    2.09%    2.46%    2.78%    2.7155%
Palkia    5.54%    3.00%    2.51%    2.6958%
Arceus-Rock    3.95%    2.13%    2.69%    2.6741%
Sableye-Mega    1.33%    2.15%    2.59%    2.4823%
Eevee    8.72%    1.86%    2.12%    2.3647%
;----------------LOW CUTOFF---------------------------
Kyogre    0.00%    2.39%    2.21%    2.1423%
Kartana    3.78%    2.40%    1.86%    2.0049%


The Following Pokemon are now Banned from UnderUbers

Ferrothorn, Kyurem-White, Mewtwo, Shaymin-Sky, Smeargle, Tapu Lele


The Following Pokemon are now Allowed in UnderUbers:


  • 1 month later...

February's usage stats are out. Because of the 3-month cycle for rises/drops, the high and low cutoff will be 3.41% usage.



Groudon-Primal    68.64%    66.84%    67.55%    67.5075%
Xerneas    47.33%    45.50%    46.33%    46.2656%
Yveltal    34.64%    34.82%    32.31%    32.7248%
Arceus-Normal    23.83%    25.20%    25.01%    24.9823%
Salamence-Mega    23.10%    21.73%    19.50%    19.9286%
Kyogre-Primal    17.51%    18.88%    19.00%    18.9192%
Lunala    23.93%    20.08%    18.36%    18.8093%
Deoxys-A    16.43%    14.89%    15.69%    15.6169%
Lucario-Mega    13.33%    13.67%    15.52%    15.1968%
Gengar-Mega    14.07%    14.65%    13.93%    14.0256%
Solgaleo    19.43%    15.43%    13.39%    13.8932%
Giratina-O    11.50%    12.35%    12.96%    12.8201%
Ho-oh    10.14%    11.03%    12.93%    12.5730%
Lugia    9.61%    9.85%    11.24%    11.0028%
Rayquaza    7.75%    9.58%    11.38%    11.0023%
Arceus-Ground    7.57%    7.92%    10.29%    9.8821%
Arceus-Water    13.08%    11.04%    8.95%    9.3866%
Zygarde-50%    15.73%    11.31%    8.45%    9.1084%
Arceus-Ghost    7.14%    6.29%    8.95%    8.5424%
Aegislash    7.19%    7.44%    7.82%    7.7457%
Magearna    6.93%    9.63%    7.22%    7.5129%
Deoxys-S    7.74%    6.83%    7.59%    7.5035%
Mewtwo    5.23%    5.89%    6.82%    6.6388%
Kyurem-White    5.51%    6.42%    6.52%    6.4682%
Kangaskhan-Mega    5.94%    5.84%    5.78%    5.7902%
Dialga    4.07%    4.06%    6.05%    5.7150%
Ferrothorn    4.68%    5.53%    5.74%    5.6714%
Darkrai    5.26%    4.50%    5.50%    5.3660%
Blaziken    3.68%    4.01%    5.17%    4.9621%
Genesect    1.96%    3.09%    5.03%    4.6620%
Shaymin-Sky    3.88%    4.86%    4.42%    4.4526%
Tapu Lele    5.62%    5.64%    4.14%    4.3905%
Arceus-Dark    4.51%    4.19%    4.25%    4.2557%
Ditto    4.03%    4.14%    4.09%    4.0912%
Giratina-A    2.87%    3.96%    4.10%    4.0294%
Smeargle    4.12%    4.74%    3.73%    3.8694%
Excadrill    2.69%    3.27%    3.93%    3.7929%
Arceus-Fairy    4.89%    4.15%    3.44%    3.5859%
Arceus-Steel    2.50%    4.15%    3.47%    3.5164%
;--------------------High/Low Cutoff---------------
Chansey    2.77%    3.07%    3.24%    3.2007%



The Following Pokemon are now Banned from UnderUbers

Arceus-Fairy, Blaziken, Darkrai, Dialga, Ditto, Excadrill, Giratina-Altered


The Following Pokemon are now Allowed in UnderUbers:

Arceus-Rock, Chansey, Eevee, Greninja-Ash, Palkia, Pheromosa, Toxapex


EDIT: On the issue of the recently released Mega Stones, Mewtwonite X and Mewtwonite Y are banned on account of Mewtwo being banned, whilst Mawilite ad Beedrillite are allowed.

  • 2 months later...

March's usage stats are finally out. Upper cutoff will be 6.70% while lower cutoff will be 1.72%




Name    Jan    Feb    Mar    TOTAL
Groudon-Primal    66.84%    67.55%    69.64%    69.2594%
Xerneas    45.50%    46.33%    46.50%    46.4336%
Yveltal    34.82%    32.31%    34.33%    34.0985%
Arceus-Normal    25.20%    25.01%    24.29%    24.4166%
Kyogre-Primal    18.88%    19.00%    20.04%    19.8589%
Lunala    20.08%    18.36%    17.47%    17.6929%
Salamence-Mega    21.73%    19.50%    15.49%    16.2496%
Deoxys-A    14.89%    15.69%    14.43%    14.6095%
Ho-oh    11.03%    12.93%    14.62%    14.2612%
Giratina-O    12.35%    12.96%    14.42%    14.1549%
Lucario-Mega    13.67%    15.52%    12.96%    13.3127%
Rayquaza    9.58%    11.38%    12.60%    12.3238%
Gengar-Mega    14.65%    13.93%    11.31%    11.7735%
Lugia    9.85%    11.24%    11.13%    11.0894%
Arceus-Ground    7.92%    10.29%    11.13%    10.8907%
Solgaleo    15.43%    13.39%    10.12%    10.7522%
Arceus-Water    11.04%    8.95%    10.64%    10.4483%
Zygarde-50%    11.31%    8.45%    9.51%    9.4505%
Mewtwo-Mega-Y    0.00%    0.00%    10.64%    8.8667%
Arceus-Ghost    6.29%    8.95%    7.51%    7.6403%
Aegislash    7.44%    7.82%    7.42%    7.4732%
Magearna    9.63%    7.22%    6.88%    7.0396%
Deoxys-S    6.83%    7.59%    6.80%    6.9016%
;-----------------UPPER CUTOFF-------------------
Mewtwo-Mega-X    0.00%    0.00%    7.28%    6.0665%
Kyurem-White    6.42%    6.52%    5.94%    6.0349%
Ferrothorn    5.53%    5.74%    6.00%    5.9520%
Dialga    4.06%    6.05%    5.81%    5.7698%
Genesect    3.09%    5.03%    5.53%    5.3702%
Arceus-Steel    4.15%    3.47%    5.46%    5.1603%
Darkrai    4.50%    5.50%    5.14%    5.1589%
Kangaskhan-Mega    5.84%    5.78%    4.82%    4.9832%
Mewtwo    5.89%    6.82%    4.53%    4.8743%
Tapu Lele    5.64%    4.14%    4.78%    4.7341%
Shaymin-Sky    4.86%    4.42%    4.71%    4.6811%
Arceus-Dark    4.19%    4.25%    4.25%    4.2485%
Blaziken    4.01%    5.17%    4.07%    4.2056%
Smeargle    4.74%    3.73%    4.14%    4.1121%
Ditto    4.14%    4.09%    4.08%    4.0845%
Arceus-Fairy    4.15%    3.44%    3.97%    3.9067%
Giratina-A    3.96%    4.10%    3.76%    3.8086%
Celesteela    2.70%    3.14%    3.86%    3.7262%
Zekrom    2.78%    3.30%    3.48%    3.4306%
Excadrill    3.27%    3.93%    3.35%    3.4162%
Shuckle    2.14%    2.59%    3.59%    3.4080%
Palkia    2.51%    2.83%    3.42%    3.3063%
Chansey    3.07%    3.24%    2.64%    2.7361%
Kyogre    2.21%    2.86%    2.57%    2.5894%
Pheromosa    3.47%    2.69%    2.46%    2.5323%
Scolipede    3.23%    2.45%    1.88%    2.0075%
;-----------------LOWER CUTOFF-------------------



The Following Pokemon are now Banned from UnderUbers

No changes


The Following Pokemon are now Allowed in UnderUbers:

No changes

  • 3 weeks later...

April & May's usage stats are finally out. Upper and Lower cutoffs will both be at 3.41%



Name    Mar    Apr    May    TOTAL
Groudon-Primal    69.64%    67.36%    71.15%    70.6133%
Xerneas    46.50%    47.12%    47.92%    47.7603%
Yveltal    34.33%    33.54%    35.20%    34.9593%
Arceus-Normal    24.29%    27.37%    28.09%    27.8431%
Kyogre-Primal    20.04%    21.59%    19.87%    20.0907%
Ho-oh    14.62%    15.22%    15.91%    15.7671%
Lunala    17.47%    13.93%    15.38%    15.2893%
Salamence-Mega    15.49%    16.14%    14.66%    14.8750%
Giratina-O    14.42%    14.29%    14.22%    14.2385%
Deoxys-A    14.43%    14.27%    13.73%    13.8260%
Rayquaza    12.60%    12.61%    14.05%    13.8062%
Gengar-Mega    11.31%    13.23%    13.03%    12.9811%
Lucario-Mega    12.96%    12.88%    12.44%    12.5143%
Lugia    11.13%    11.53%    12.66%    12.4562%
Zygarde-50%    9.51%    12.32%    10.62%    10.7838%
Arceus-Water    10.64%    8.24%    10.56%    10.2737%
Mewtwo-Mega-Y    10.64%    10.16%    9.38%    9.5268%
Arceus-Ground    11.13%    9.47%    9.15%    9.2750%
Magearna    6.88%    7.43%    8.70%    8.4669%
Solgaleo    10.12%    8.17%    7.73%    7.8847%
Arceus-Ghost    7.51%    8.04%    7.17%    7.2962%
Aegislash    7.42%    7.52%    7.24%    7.2840%
Deoxys-S    6.80%    6.30%    7.27%    7.1304%
Mewtwo-Mega-X    7.28%    6.54%    6.69%    6.6922%
Ferrothorn    6.00%    7.36%    6.14%    6.2855%
Pheromosa    2.46%    6.21%    6.12%    5.9779%
Kyurem-White    5.94%    6.01%    5.82%    5.8459%
Darkrai    5.14%    5.43%    5.28%    5.2936%
Kangaskhan-Mega    4.82%    4.50%    5.06%    4.9839%
Blaziken    4.07%    4.99%    4.69%    4.6980%
Dialga    5.81%    4.90%    4.58%    4.6754%
Arceus-Steel    5.46%    4.93%    4.59%    4.6666%
Genesect    5.53%    5.05%    4.48%    4.5963%
Tapu Lele    4.78%    3.91%    4.43%    4.3818%
Ditto    4.08%    3.62%    4.43%    4.3135%
Arceus-Fairy    3.97%    4.39%    4.21%    4.2233%
Shaymin-Sky    4.71%    4.55%    4.02%    4.1132%
Metagross-Mega    1.12%    1.51%    4.54%    4.0148%
Shuckle    3.59%    4.02%    3.88%    3.8827%
Excadrill    3.35%    4.70%    3.69%    3.8027%
Giratina-A    3.76%    3.97%    3.69%    3.7254%
Arceus-Dark    4.25%    3.49%    3.73%    3.7245%
Smeargle    4.14%    3.28%    3.71%    3.6742%
;---------------HIGH/LOW CUTOFF------------------
Mewtwo    4.53%    3.61%    3.30%    3.3868%


The following Pokemon are now BANNED from UnderUbers:



The following Pokemon are now UNBANNED from UnderUbers:



In addition, to remain consistent with both the official tiers and with the Ubers tier, the move Baton Pass is now banned from UnderUbers as well.

  • 1 month later...

June 2017's use stats for Ubers is now out. High cutoff will be 6.70%, Low cutoff will be 1.72%



Name    Apr    May    June    TOTAL
Groudon-Primal    67.36%    71.15%    71.13%    70.9730%
Xerneas    47.12%    47.92%    49.65%    49.3250%
Yveltal    33.54%    35.20%    36.79%    36.4559%
Arceus-Normal    27.37%    28.09%    24.94%    25.4337%
Kyogre-Primal    21.59%    19.87%    19.83%    19.9090%
Lunala    13.93%    15.38%    15.05%    15.0419%
Ho-oh    15.22%    15.91%    14.36%    14.5924%
Salamence-Mega    16.14%    14.66%    13.96%    14.1416%
Giratina-O    14.29%    14.22%    13.95%    13.9983%
Lucario-Mega    12.88%    12.44%    14.10%    13.8429%
Lugia    11.53%    12.66%    13.63%    13.4236%
Rayquaza    12.61%    14.05%    12.98%    13.0972%
Deoxys-A    14.27%    13.73%    12.79%    12.9707%
Gengar-Mega    13.23%    13.03%    12.89%    12.9237%
Zygarde-50%    12.32%    10.62%    10.76%    10.8060%
Arceus-Ground    9.47%    9.15%    10.81%    10.5506%
Arceus-Ghost    8.04%    7.17%    10.82%    10.2494%
Mewtwo-Mega-Y    10.16%    9.38%    9.40%    9.4291%
Arceus-Water    8.24%    10.56%    8.91%    9.0892%
Magearna    7.43%    8.70%    9.01%    8.9056%
Solgaleo    8.17%    7.73%    8.10%    8.0550%
Aegislash    7.52%    7.24%    7.50%    7.4685%
Deoxys-S    6.30%    7.27%    7.18%    7.1573%
;--------------UPPER CUTOFF----------------------
Ferrothorn    7.36%    6.14%    6.21%    6.2454%
Mewtwo-Mega-X    6.54%    6.69%    5.40%    5.6042%
Arceus-Dark    3.49%    3.73%    5.98%    5.5948%
Darkrai    5.43%    5.28%    5.49%    5.4624%
Pheromosa    6.21%    6.12%    5.27%    5.4125%
Blaziken-Mega    0.00%    0.13%    6.47%    5.4102%
Ditto    3.62%    4.43%    5.60%    5.3727%
Kyurem-White    6.01%    5.82%    5.27%    5.3678%
Tapu Lele    3.91%    4.43%    4.72%    4.6538%
Arceus-Fairy    4.39%    4.21%    4.61%    4.5504%
Shuckle    4.02%    3.88%    4.63%    4.5120%
Excadrill    4.70%    3.69%    4.45%    4.3656%
Smeargle    3.28%    3.71%    4.49%    4.3455%
Kangaskhan-Mega    4.50%    5.06%    4.15%    4.2780%
Arceus-Steel    4.93%    4.59%    4.00%    4.1087%
Shaymin-Sky    4.55%    4.02%    4.08%    4.0941%
Mewtwo    3.61%    3.30%    4.19%    4.0545%
Genesect    5.05%    4.48%    3.91%    4.0252%
Dialga    4.90%    4.58%    3.88%    4.0127%
Metagross-Mega    1.51%    4.54%    3.99%    3.9565%
Giratina-A    3.97%    3.69%    3.83%    3.8181%
Cloyster    2.75%    2.62%    3.62%    3.4611%
Celesteela    3.55%    3.17%    3.44%    3.4123%
Blaziken    4.99%    4.69%    3.05%    3.3374%
Palkia    2.96%    2.93%    2.97%    2.9638%
Chansey    2.71%    3.03%    2.63%    2.6861%
Zekrom    3.17%    2.80%    2.32%    2.4123%
Kyogre    2.45%    2.17%    2.28%    2.2767%
;--------------LOWER CUTOFF----------------------
Scolipede    2.01%    1.89%    1.07%    1.2130%


The following Pokemon are now BANNED from UnderUbers:

No changes


The following Pokemon are now UNBANNED from UnderUbers:

No changes


Note that while no new Pokemon have been banned or unbanned from UnderUbers, the recently released Blazikenite Mega Stone remains banned by proxy due to Blaziken still being banned from the tier.


Additionally, due to their recent releases, Mega Gardevoir, Mega Gallade, Mega Lopunny, and Marshadow remain banned from UnderUbers pending their usage statistics for August.

  • 4 weeks later...

July's usage statistics are out. The high cutoff will be 4.52% while the low cutoff is 2.28%



Name    May    June    July    TOTAL
Groudon-Primal    71.15%    71.13%    76.78%    75.8390%
Xerneas    47.92%    49.65%    47.70%    47.9498%
Marshadow    3.41%    3.41%    44.26%    37.4541%
Yveltal    35.20%    36.79%    37.28%    37.1280%
Arceus-Normal    28.09%    24.94%    20.77%    21.5951%
Kyogre-Primal    19.87%    19.83%    20.05%    20.0145%
Salamence-Mega    14.66%    13.96%    16.83%    16.3803%
Ho-oh    15.91%    14.36%    15.04%    14.9947%
Lucario-Mega    12.44%    14.10%    12.66%    12.8333%
Arceus-Ground    9.15%    10.81%    13.02%    12.5818%
Rayquaza    14.05%    12.98%    12.08%    12.2727%
Arceus-Water    10.56%    8.91%    12.21%    11.7278%
Giratina-O    14.22%    13.95%    10.46%    11.0552%
Arceus-Fairy    4.21%    4.61%    12.16%    10.8821%
Deoxys-A    13.73%    12.79%    10.19%    10.6612%
Lugia    12.66%    13.63%    9.93%    10.5099%
Zygarde-50%    10.62%    10.76%    10.05%    10.1615%
Gengar-Mega    13.03%    12.89%    9.12%    9.7518%
Magearna    8.70%    9.01%    9.51%    9.4150%
Lunala    15.38%    15.05%    8.13%    9.2990%
Solgaleo    7.73%    8.10%    9.20%    9.0034%
Mewtwo-Mega-Y    9.38%    9.40%    8.50%    8.6493%
Deoxys-S    7.27%    7.18%    6.32%    6.4675%
Aegislash    7.24%    7.50%    5.81%    6.0841%
Arceus-Ghost    7.17%    10.82%    4.45%    5.3557%
Tapu Lele    4.43%    4.72%    5.05%    4.9856%
Ferrothorn    6.14%    6.21%    4.53%    4.8072%
;---------------HIGH CUTOFF--------------------
Blaziken-Mega    0.13%    6.47%    4.33%    4.4242%
Cloyster    2.62%    3.62%    4.61%    4.4004%
Kyurem-White    5.82%    5.27%    4.15%    4.3608%
Shaymin-Sky    4.02%    4.08%    4.37%    4.3158%
Metagross-Mega    4.54%    3.99%    4.26%    4.2379%
Darkrai    5.28%    5.49%    3.96%    4.2103%
Mewtwo-Mega-X    6.69%    5.40%    3.89%    4.1978%
Pheromosa    6.12%    5.27%    3.79%    4.0753%
Genesect    4.48%    3.91%    4.05%    4.0470%
Dialga    4.58%    3.88%    3.96%    3.9780%
Excadrill    3.69%    4.45%    3.78%    3.8583%
Arceus-Steel    4.59%    4.00%    3.67%    3.7492%
Greninja    2.42%    1.97%    4.02%    3.6991%
Shuckle    3.88%    4.63%    3.40%    3.5709%
Smeargle    3.71%    4.49%    3.35%    3.5115%
Ditto    4.43%    5.60%    3.11%    3.4784%
Arceus-Dark    3.73%    5.98%    3.07%    3.4575%
Kangaskhan-Mega    5.06%    4.15%    3.14%    3.3491%
Mewtwo    3.30%    4.19%    3.17%    3.3016%
Celesteela    3.17%    3.44%    3.03%    3.0906%
Giratina-A    3.69%    3.83%    2.93%    3.0704%
Palkia    2.93%    2.97%    2.87%    2.8835%
Kyogre    2.17%    2.28%    2.57%    2.5177%
;---------------LOW CUTOFF--------------------
Chansey    3.03%    2.63%    2.13%    2.2267%


The following Pokemon are now BANNED from UnderUbers:



The following Pokemon are now UNBANNED from UnderUbers:


  • 1 month later...

August's usage statistic are out. The high and low cutoff will both be 3.41% for this month;



Name    June    July    August    TOTAL
Groudon-Primal    71.13%    76.78%    76.87%    76.6188%
Xerneas    49.65%    47.70%    48.28%    48.2623%
Marshadow    3.41%    44.26%    42.60%    41.1775%
Yveltal    36.79%    37.28%    33.67%    34.2527%
Kyogre-Primal    19.83%    20.05%    20.27%    20.2230%
Arceus-Normal    24.94%    20.77%    17.72%    18.3977%
Salamence-Mega    13.96%    16.83%    16.53%    16.4566%
Ho-oh    14.36%    15.04%    14.72%    14.7423%
Arceus-Ground    10.81%    13.02%    15.03%    14.6031%
Lucario-Mega    14.10%    12.66%    13.85%    13.7136%
Arceus-Fairy    4.61%    12.16%    13.83%    13.2375%
Zygarde-50%    10.76%    10.05%    12.40%    12.0403%
Arceus-Water    8.91%    12.21%    11.89%    11.8088%
Rayquaza    12.98%    12.08%    10.87%    11.1126%
Giratina-O    13.95%    10.46%    11.02%    11.0686%
Deoxys-A    12.79%    10.19%    10.04%    10.1768%
Lugia    13.63%    9.93%    9.70%    9.8937%
Magearna    9.01%    9.51%    9.17%    9.2071%
Gengar-Mega    12.89%    9.12%    9.02%    9.1925%
Mewtwo-Mega-Y    9.40%    8.50%    8.95%    8.9114%
Lunala    15.05%    8.13%    7.40%    7.8111%
Solgaleo    8.10%    9.20%    6.86%    7.2031%
Deoxys-S    7.18%    6.32%    5.96%    6.0592%
Ferrothorn    6.21%    4.53%    6.06%    5.8738%
Aegislash    7.50%    5.81%    5.78%    5.8519%
Kyurem-White    5.27%    4.15%    5.53%    5.3435%
Tapu Lele    4.72%    5.05%    5.35%    5.2871%
Shaymin-Sky    4.08%    4.37%    5.12%    4.9851%
Smeargle    4.49%    3.35%    5.19%    4.9300%
Blaziken-Mega    6.47%    4.33%    4.56%    4.6144%
Arceus-Ghost    10.82%    4.45%    3.84%    4.2069%
Genesect    3.91%    4.05%    4.15%    4.1277%
Excadrill    4.45%    3.78%    3.98%    3.9745%
Darkrai    5.49%    3.96%    3.80%    3.8888%
Dialga    3.88%    3.96%    3.81%    3.8329%
Arceus-Steel    4.00%    3.67%    3.82%    3.8122%
Mewtwo-Mega-X    5.40%    3.89%    3.65%    3.7511%
Metagross-Mega    3.99%    4.26%    3.60%    3.6976%
Greninja    1.97%    4.02%    3.73%    3.6939%
Ditto    5.60%    3.11%    3.52%    3.5570%
Palkia    2.97%    2.87%    3.68%    3.5472%
;---------------HIGH & LOW CUTOFF: 3.41%-----------
Pheromosa    5.27%    3.79%    3.24%    3.3925%


In addition to the above, the decision was made that, due to most Zygardes in Ubers using Power Construct, which is currently banned from UnderUbers, that Zygarde's 50% form will be unbanned.


The following Pokemon are now BANNED from UnderUbers:

658.png(Torrent/Protean only)484.png


The following Pokemon are now UNBANNED from UnderUbers:



The following items are now UNBANNED from UnderUbers:


  • 1 month later...

October & November use stats are in. There were no changes for October. High cutoff will be 4.52% and low cutoff will be 2.28%.



Name    August    September    October    TOTAL
Groudon-Primal    76.87%    73.17%    74.66%    74.5679%
Xerneas    48.28%    47.42%    49.15%    48.8990%
Marshadow    42.60%    37.70%    39.68%    39.5516%
Yveltal    33.67%    33.35%    36.04%    35.6016%
Kyogre-Primal    20.27%    21.79%    18.99%    19.3910%
Arceus-Normal    17.72%    19.57%    18.88%    18.9189%
Salamence-Mega    16.53%    16.03%    17.70%    17.4417%
Ho-oh    14.72%    13.88%    14.82%    14.7018%
Arceus-Ground    15.03%    14.10%    14.68%    14.6246%
Arceus-Fairy    13.83%    12.75%    12.83%    12.8609%
Deoxys-A    10.04%    11.15%    12.32%    12.0769%
Giratina-O    11.02%    10.70%    12.10%    11.8837%
Zygarde-50%    12.40%    12.65%    10.82%    11.1157%
Lucario-Mega    13.85%    10.02%    10.60%    10.6605%
Rayquaza    10.87%    10.37%    10.48%    10.4784%
Lugia    9.70%    10.25%    9.77%    9.8285%
Arceus-Water    11.89%    10.01%    9.47%    9.6408%
Mewtwo-Mega-Y    8.95%    9.75%    9.59%    9.5854%
Gengar-Mega    9.02%    9.12%    8.17%    8.3213%
Deoxys-S    5.96%    7.06%    8.54%    8.2440%
Magearna    9.17%    8.18%    7.71%    7.8320%
Lunala    7.40%    8.09%    7.80%    7.8232%
Ferrothorn    6.06%    6.61%    7.20%    7.0805%
Solgaleo    6.86%    7.25%    6.15%    6.3199%
Tapu Lele    5.35%    4.89%    6.44%    6.1991%
Aegislash    5.78%    6.57%    5.73%    5.8415%
Shaymin-Sky    5.12%    5.43%    5.38%    5.3775%
Metagross-Mega    3.60%    4.16%    4.84%    4.7015%
Kyurem-White    5.53%    4.62%    4.60%    4.6404%
Smeargle    5.19%    4.44%    4.55%    4.5598%
Blaziken-Mega    4.56%    4.52%    4.54%    4.5383%
;--------------HIGH CUTOFF: 4.52%-------------------
Dialga    3.81%    4.59%    4.09%    4.1414%
Ditto    3.52%    4.02%    4.18%    4.1322%
Arceus-Ghost    3.84%    3.67%    4.17%    4.0946%
Pheromosa    3.24%    3.80%    4.13%    4.0532%
Darkrai    3.80%    4.93%    3.70%    3.8539%
Celesteela    3.28%    3.58%    3.78%    3.7363%
Genesect    4.15%    4.57%    3.58%    3.7312%
Arceus-Steel    3.82%    4.03%    3.61%    3.6682%
Palkia    3.68%    3.58%    3.49%    3.5114%
Excadrill    3.98%    3.72%    3.32%    3.4003%
Mewtwo-Mega-X    3.65%    3.00%    3.43%    3.3885%
Mewtwo    2.94%    3.51%    3.26%    3.2789%
Giratina-A    2.72%    3.16%    3.19%    3.1670%
Kangaskhan-Mega    2.64%    3.62%    3.05%    3.1038%
Shuckle    2.58%    2.26%    3.04%    2.9263%
Greninja    3.73%    3.29%    2.44%    2.6006%
;-------------LOW CUTOFF: 2.28%---------------------
Cloyster    2.40%    2.06%    2.25%    2.2301%
Arceus-Dark    2.22%    1.67%    2.02%    1.9811%


The following Pokemon are now BANNED from UnderUbers:

No changes


The following Pokemon are now UNBANNED from UnderUbers:

No changes

  • 2 weeks later...

So Ultra Sun & Ultra Moon have just been released. Until the November and December stats become available, we must wait for the new Pokemon to "drop" from Ubers by usage. This includes the new Ultra Beasts and Necrozma forms.


The following Pokemon are now BANNED from UnderUbers:

  • 806.pngBlacephalon
  • 804.png Naganadel
  • 800-dw.png800-dm.png800-u.png Necrozma-DawnWings, Necrozma-DuskMane, & Necrozma-Ultra
  • 803.png Poipole
  • 805.png Stakataka
  • 807.png Zeraora


The following items are now BANNED from UnderUbers:

Lunalium Z, Solganium Z, Ultranecrozium Z

  • 1 month later...

Usage stats for Ubers for December has been released, but usage stats are unavailable for November. Due to the fact that Ultra Sun & Moon were released in late november, this only gives about a week for the Ubers statistics, as such, November's usage stats will be omitted. As such, the high cutoff will be 6.70% and the low cutoff will be 1.72%:


Name    Dec
Groudon-Primal    73.92%
Xerneas    46.61%
Yveltal    46.59%
Necrozma-Dusk-Mane    44.30%
Marshadow    33.49%
Kyogre-Primal    24.25%
Arceus-Normal    15.81%
Arceus-Fairy    15.49%
Arceus-Ground    15.23%
Salamence-Mega    15.04%
Ho-oh    13.74%
Zygarde-Complete    11.90%
Gengar-Mega    10.14%
Lucario-Mega    9.75%
Rayquaza    9.37%
Lugia    8.78%
Magearna    8.42%
Giratina-O    8.11%
Deoxys-A    7.84%
Mewtwo-Mega-Y    7.64%
Arceus-Water    7.60%
Smeargle    7.39%
Naganadel    7.02%
----------HIGH CUTOFF: 6.70%    ----------------------
Deoxys-S    6.27%
Ferrothorn    5.81%
Necrozma-Dawn-Wings    5.60%
Lunala    4.85%
Aegislash    4.70%
Shaymin-Sky    3.73%
Kyurem-White    3.56%
Pheromosa    3.40%
Tapu Lele    3.13%
Blaziken-Mega    3.05%
Ditto    3.02%
Kangaskhan-Mega    2.90%
Darkrai    2.68%
Dialga    2.63%
Genesect    2.53%
Mewtwo-Mega-X    2.53%
Sableye-Mega    2.51%
Metagross-Mega    2.49%
Arceus-Dark    2.45%
Arceus-Ghost    2.45%
Palkia    2.43%
Shuckle    2.41%
Giratina-A    2.41%
Celesteela    2.35%
Arceus-Steel    2.31%
Cloyster    2.24%
Excadrill    2.09%
Solgaleo    1.97%
-----------LOW CUTOFF: 1.72--------------    
Mewtwo    1.68%
Greninja    1.48%
Blacephalon    1.06%
Stakataka    0.53%
Poipole    0.00%


The following Pokemon are now BANNED from UnderUbers:

No changes


The following Pokemon are now UNBANNED from UnderUbers:

  • 806.pngBlacephalon
  • 658.pngGreninja
  • 803.pngPoipole

  • 805.pngStakataka


November stats are now out and the tiers update has been recalculated as a result



Name    Oct    Nov    Dec    3 Month
Groudon-Primal    74.66%    74.40%    73.92%    74.01%
Xerneas    49.15%    47.55%    46.61%    46.83%
Yveltal    36.04%    43.51%    46.59%    45.77%
Marshadow    39.68%    38.02%    33.49%    34.31%
Necrozma-Ultra    0.00%    22.16%    29.28%    27.17%
Kyogre-Primal    18.99%    19.07%    24.25%    23.39%
Necrozma-Dusk-Mane    0.00%    8.66%    19.22%    17.10%
Arceus-Normal    18.88%    16.27%    15.81%    15.99%
Arceus-Fairy    12.83%    14.95%    15.49%    15.31%
Salamence-Mega    17.70%    16.13%    15.04%    15.29%
Arceus-Ground    14.68%    15.30%    15.23%    15.21%
Ho-oh    14.82%    15.02%    13.74%    13.95%
Zygarde-Complete    10.82%    10.92%    11.90%    11.73%
Lucario-Mega    10.60%    13.20%    9.75%    10.22%
Gengar-Mega    8.17%    8.06%    10.14%    9.80%
Rayquaza    10.48%    9.13%    9.37%    9.38%
Lugia    9.77%    8.90%    8.78%    8.83%
Giratina-O    12.10%    10.43%    8.11%    8.57%
Magearna    7.71%    8.78%    8.42%    8.44%
Deoxys-A    12.32%    9.60%    7.84%    8.25%
Arceus-Water    9.47%    8.32%    7.60%    7.77%
Mewtwo-Mega-Y    9.59%    7.55%    7.64%    7.71%
Smeargle    4.55%    5.35%    7.39%    7.02%
Deoxys-S    8.54%    6.82%    6.27%    6.44%
Naganadel    0.00%    3.20%    7.02%    6.25%
Ferrothorn    7.20%    5.63%    5.81%    5.84%
Lunala    7.80%    6.23%    4.85%    5.15%
Aegislash    5.73%    4.78%    4.70%    4.75%
Shaymin-Sky    5.38%    4.40%    3.73%    3.88%
Kyurem-White    4.60%    3.76%    3.56%    3.63%
Tapu Lele    6.44%    5.52%    3.13%    3.57%
Pheromosa    4.13%    3.26%    3.40%    3.42%
Blaziken-Mega    4.54%    3.26%    3.05%    3.14%
Ditto    4.18%    3.27%    3.02%    3.10%
Kangaskhan-Mega    3.05%    2.91%    2.90%    2.91%
Dialga    4.09%    3.33%    2.63%    2.78%
Darkrai    3.70%    2.79%    2.68%    2.74%
Metagross-Mega    4.84%    3.18%    2.49%    2.67%
Celesteela    3.78%    4.09%    2.35%    2.63%
Genesect    3.58%    2.62%    2.53%    2.59%
Mewtwo-Mega-X    3.43%    2.53%    2.53%    2.57%
Arceus-Ghost    4.17%    2.72%    2.45%    2.55%
Shuckle    3.04%    2.80%    2.41%    2.49%
Palkia    3.49%    2.37%    2.43%    2.47%
Sableye-Mega    2.54%    2.16%    2.51%    2.46%
Giratina-A    3.19%    2.58%    2.41%    2.46%
Arceus-Steel    3.61%    2.96%    2.31%    2.44%
Arceus-Dark    2.02%    2.37%    2.45%    2.42%
Solgaleo    6.15%    4.04%    1.97%    2.40%
Excadrill    3.32%    2.77%    2.09%    2.23%
Cloyster    2.25%    1.76%    2.24%    2.18%
Mewtwo    3.26%    2.19%    1.68%    1.81%
Greninja    2.44%    1.93%    1.48%    1.58%
Necrozma-Dawn-Wings    0.00%    1.74%    1.40%    1.38%
Blacephalon    0.00%    1.22%    1.06%    1.04%
Stakataka    0.00%    0.62%    0.53%    0.52%
Poipole    0.00%    0.02%    0.00%    0.01%


In addition to the tier changes in the last post, the following tier changes will also be made:


The following Pokemon are now BANNED from UnderUbers:

  • 795.png Pheromosa


The following Pokemon are now UNBANNED from UnderUbers:

  • Arceus-Ghost
  • Arceus-Steel
  • Blaziken-Mega
  • Ditto
  • Dialga
  • Darkrai
  • Excadrill
  • Genesect
  • Metagross-Mega
  • Mewtwo-Mega-X
  • Necrozma-Dawn-Wings
  • Palkia
  • Solgaleo

The following items are now BANNED from UnderUbers:

  • Ultranecrozium Z


The following items are now UNBANNED from UnderUbers:

  • Blazikenite
  • Metagrossite
  • Mewtwonite X
  • Solganium Z
  • Lunalium Z
  • 3 months later...

3-month usage stats are out



Name    Feb    Mar    Apr    3 Month
Groudon-Primal    73.42%    71.99%    70.47%    70.79%
Xerneas    44.85%    43.57%    42.54%    42.76%
Yveltal    44.98%    42.46%    42.45%    42.56%
Marshadow    34.52%    34.23%    34.30%    34.30%
Kyogre-Primal    24.05%    23.06%    24.15%    24.01%
Necrozma-Dusk-Mane    23.49%    23.08%    22.85%    22.90%
Necrozma-Ultra    22.32%    20.61%    19.60%    19.84%
Arceus-Normal    17.33%    19.67%    19.94%    19.79%
Arceus-Ground    15.33%    14.56%    15.97%    15.76%
Salamence-Mega    16.03%    15.80%    15.05%    15.18%
Arceus-Fairy    13.29%    12.49%    13.84%    13.65%
Ho-oh    10.85%    12.86%    13.18%    13.05%
Zygarde-Complete    11.22%    12.42%    12.60%    12.52%
Lugia    9.93%    10.23%    10.32%    10.29%
Rayquaza    9.62%    9.62%    9.36%    9.40%
Giratina-O    9.46%    10.03%    9.00%    9.15%
Gengar-Mega    9.82%    9.51%    8.96%    9.06%
Lucario-Mega    9.19%    8.47%    8.64%    8.64%
Mewtwo-Mega-Y    7.54%    7.35%    8.81%    8.57%
Arceus-Water    8.55%    8.60%    7.62%    7.78%
Deoxys-A    7.71%    6.99%    7.46%    7.41%
Deoxys-S    5.96%    7.91%    7.38%    7.39%
Smeargle    5.94%    6.04%    7.23%    7.03%
Ferrothorn    6.37%    5.95%    6.88%    6.75%
Magearna    7.84%    6.97%    6.36%    6.50%
Aegislash    5.28%    5.06%    5.20%    5.19%
Kyurem-White    3.96%    3.80%    4.29%    4.22%
Shaymin-Sky    3.57%    3.79%    4.21%    4.13%
Naganadel    4.82%    4.22%    3.95%    4.02%
Blaziken-Mega    4.00%    4.24%    3.97%    4.01%
Darkrai    3.72%    3.18%    3.61%    3.56%
Mewtwo-Mega-X    3.05%    3.53%    3.58%    3.55%
Ditto    3.59%    3.23%    3.52%    3.48%
Lunala    3.90%    3.63%    3.41%    3.46%
Dialga    3.36%    3.26%    3.43%    3.41%
Pheromosa    3.68%    3.47%    3.32%    3.36%



The following Pokemon are now BANNED from UnderUbers:

  • Blaziken-Mega
  • Darkrai
  • Ditto
  • Mewtwo-Mega-X


The following Pokemon are now UNBANNED from UnderUbers:

  • Pheromosa
  • Tapu Lele

The following items are now BANNED from UnderUbers:

  • Blazikenite
  • Mewtwonite X


The following items are now UNBANNED from UnderUbers:

  • None

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