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Catwoman by Ninja Brl, Mistah Jorge, and volzzilla (Nov 7. 2016)

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Move List (and description):
Hold direction and press  punch + punch  or  kick + kick

Special Moves:
Whip Slash (also has an air version):
02  03  04  punch
(Damage and recovery time depends on wich button used:  x does less damage but it's also fastest version of the attack while z does more damage but it's the slowest)

Upper whip Slash:
04  02  03  04  punch
Animation of the attack depends on wich punch button used:  x  y have diferent angles,  z has both angles.

Cross whip slash:
02  01  00  punch
hold  punch for more hits for y and z  versions of the move
It's combo ability depends on wich punch button used:  x is the one that does the less damage but the player can combo anything into it, you can combo into y version from some stronger basic attacks but you can only combo into z from the crouching strong kick (and i would rely on that)

Air catch:
02  03  04  kick
Catwoman jumps diagonally in an atempt to catch and throw an aerial opponent

Evasive Roll:
02  01  00  kick
Self explanatory move,  A  version rolls backwards,  b  and  c  versions rolls frontwards

Dive kick (air only):
02  03  04  kick
Catwoman does a diving kick at her opponent

Hyper Moves:
02  01  00  punchpunch
Catwoman dashes forward in an attempt to catch a victim and slashes her multiple times, finishing with an uppercut

Whip Combo:
02  03  04 ( x + A ) or ( y + b ) or ( z + c )
Catwoman starts punishing his opponent with a huge combo ranging from cross whip slash into an upper whip slash and finishes with a last whip attack

- Original creator of Original Catwoman: Ninja Brl;
- skhsato123 for help in spriting details;
- Mugen Multiverse, our home;
- Elecbyte for making mugen;





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Already tested Catwoman for several minutes, and so far, I'm very mixed about it.


- CLSNs and hitboxes shouldn't be this detailed.

- There's priority on a few moves.

- Her strong kick feels pretty slow during combos in my opinion.

- Both Dive kick and Upper Whip Slash (Y) can execute an infinite if timed.

- Both Memories and Whip Combo does chip damage compared to her normal and special moves.

- Both hyper moves just seem so boring. Memories feels pretty damn slow, while Whip Combo feels boring

- I feel that her Whip Slash attacks should interact with projectiles.


Surprisingly, this Catwoman has potential, but there's still needs plenty of more work to be added. I won't deny that the sprites are beautiful I'll tell you what.

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