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DBZ Hi Res Stages by CrazyLogic

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What's New in Version 1.1a4 (See full changelog)

Graphical fixes
* Fixed palette reservation bug.
* Fixed round fade in.
* Fixed a shadow flipping bug.
* Fixed projectile ownpal=0 bug.
Engine fixes
* Fixed F4 not resetting life in survival.
* Fixed victory screen showing wrong portrait in turns.
* Fixed bug where victory screen can't be disabled by motif.
* Fixed F1 and Ctrl-F1 debugkeys swapped.
* Disabled debug keys outside of fight screen.
-KFM materials were missing from the package. Download link provided plus the original package was updated.






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Just now, Ryon said:

i know this was updated somewhat recently but didnt these stages have a issue where the floor would slide around? or was that fixed?

Not updated. These stages are nearly no longer available in the public eye, so why let them disappear? Hopefully, someone can fix them. A number of them have been fixed and zoomed out by Daniel's and other stage makers


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