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Jean Grey by CidLover (Sep 17 2016)

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Below is her full updated movelist:

=======Both ========

Phoenix Dive - (In Air) D+HK

======= Jean Grey =======

Mental Spike - QCF+P
Telekinesis - QCF+K
]Psychosis - QCB+P
Mental Counter - F,D,DF+P
Telekinetic Hold - QCB+K
***Release - LP/LK
***Mental Crush - MP
***Telekinetic Fling - MK
***Telekinetic Sling - HP/HK
Mirror Image - D,D+P
Teleport - D,D+K

EX Firebird Punch (Jean ~ Phoenix) - QCB+2xPunch
EX Phoenix Upper (Jean ~ Phoenix) - F, D, DF+2xPunch

Telekinetic Beam (LVL 1) - QCF, QCF+P
Hyper Telekinesis (LVL 1) - QCF, QCF+K
Telekinetic Shield (LVL 2) - QCB, QCB+P
Celestial Flame (LVL 2) (Jean ~ Phoenix) - QCB, HCF+P
Phoenix Force (LVL 3) - QCB, QCB+K
The Astral Plane Endsong (LVL 3, Life must be less than 200 points) - QCB, HCF+K

Mood Shift - START Button

======= Dark Phoenix =======

Infernal Spike - QCF+P
Firebird Uppercut - F,D,DF+P
Phoenix Trap - D,D+P
Teleport - D,D+K
Firebird Punch - QCB+P
Firebird Advance - QCF+K
***Infernal Spike - P
***Phoenix Pinion - D+P
***Firebird Punch - F+P
***Flare Kick - K
***Firebird Transmission - D+K
Firebird Retreat - QCB+K
***Infernal Spike - P
***Phoenix Pinion - D+P
***Firebird Punch - F+P
***Flare Kick - K
***Firebird Transmission - D+K

EX Psychic Shot (Phoenix ~ Jean) - QCF+2xPunch
EX Mirror Image (Phoenix ~ Jean) - D, D+2xPunch
EX Psychosis (Phoenix ~ Jean) - D,DB,B+2xPunch

True Phoenix Upper (LVL 1) - QCF, QCF+P
Meteor Shower (LVL 1) - QCF, QCF+K
Power Seal (LVL 2) - QCB, QCB+P
Celestial Flame (LVL 2) - QCB, HCF+P
Phoenix Destruction (LVL 3) - QCB, QCB+K

Mood Shift - START Button



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Just now, Ultra Fatality said:

More X-Men to the collection awesome by the way what is that stage i needs it

Valley by ExShadow. Its already in the folder that comes with the character. You get it once you download her


My feedback is that she is the best Jean Grey out. But she isnt AvX or MvC. Shes another CvS POTS character. She cant air combo and her launcher is slow and low. Shes kind of slow and short range fighter like all CvS stuff, slow and many light FX. Her damage values are normal and not that chip damage stuff thats in all the CvS and Dura's 6 button conversions. He should have titled her CvS Jean Grey. She has creative attacks.


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I remember this author's name from years back when he/she made that extremely broken Cid Highwind char based on an FF7 fanfic they made, so I'm not surprised that this JG has an infinite + lagging flashy FX. Based on that I'm starting to wonder if there's more up with this character, which I'll take a look at later and post my findings.

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