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Touhou RP: GR tournament 1 (Completed, Replays inside)


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THRP is about to reach its 1 year anniversary since my involvement, so I figured what better way to celebrate than with a netplay tournament?


For those of you who don't know what THRP is, please check this thread


  • Tournament will be 8-person Double Elimination, and may be expanded to 12 or 16 man if more people are interested.
  • All matches will be done using the netplay compatability of version 1.27 of the game.
  • Deadline for sign-ups will be September 30th
  • Replays will be required for each round, which usually lasts about a week. If you are unable to complete your matches before the round deadlines, you must notify your opponent as well as myself. Inactivity may result in disqualification.
  • This sign up thread will be posted at other forums/places besides here, in case you see a name you do not recognize.


Registration: http://challonge.com/tournaments/signup/MHjP0TXvTz

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9 hours ago, Ricepigeon said:

EDIT: Something I've wanted to do for a while now;

this isn't related to the seasonal tournaments or anything, but I figured this could make a good case study just to see how interested people may be in tournaments and use it as feedback for how we go about the seasonal tournaments based on this one's outcome (success or failure).

Hell yes I think it's a great idea.  A sort of a dry run for the seasonal tournies. 

I mean we could use it to get the word out, seeing as the official tourneys are in the pipeline for the end of the year.  Would you mind maybe just making it a little more apparent that it's a harbinger of MFFA's upcoming Seasonal Ikemen Tournaments?  It could be an excellent chance to get the thing out there, especially if you plan on doing this on multiple forums.

I know both Ryon and myself have wanted to see online tourneys for years too.  I'd cleared it with Dimitri to run them over at Tier-1 about a year and half ago, and before that I'd mentioned them either here or on mfg, I don't remember.  And any time they're brought up, the idea's been very well received, so my guess is it's going to do pretty good. 

Or I hope so at least.  Otherwise all the Ikemen learning from Fclass97's tutorials I've been doing for the official tourny is going to be a total waste, lol

But yes excellent idea, and good luck to you!
Anything I can do to help, don't hesitate.



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Swag... Signing up (as soon as I see a challonge link or something). 



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