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Random Objection Chatter


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ok so my objection was too long. therefore I have to write this as a plain text off of pure lazyness of making two objection thingies.. anyway my response is: Well Here's the situation. Theres certain stuff that i can say IMO bout cause its opinion. However there are things I say that are Fact. and you will look as this as "oh he just one of those people who thinks theyre always right." or " He still dosent get it". well its not that. However I will say naruto sucks is a fact not an opinion. If someone makes a series, and then makes a crap load of characters and only pay attention to 1 out of 10 of dem mutha fuckers than the series sucks ass. if the storyline is so bland that it not only makes no sence what so ever or even follow 10 diffrent storylines at one time then the series sucks ass. if the only reason the series is doing so good is because fans like the super overpowered characters that supposevly wont die then the series sucks ass. and then you make a game that you put a shit load of characters in it and only once again 1 out of 10 of those mothafuckers are being used then the game and the series sucks ass. therefore it is a fact and not an opinion.



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ok so my objection was too long. therefore I have to write this as a plain text off of pure lazyness of making two objection thingies..

anyway my response is:

Well Here's the situation. Theres certain stuff that i can say IMO bout cause its opinion. However there are things I say that are Fact. and you will look as this as "oh he just one of those people who thinks theyre always right." or " He still dosent get it". well its not that. However I will say naruto sucks is a fact not an opinion. If someone makes a series, and then makes a crap load of characters and only pay attention to 1 out of 10 of dem mutha fuckers than the series sucks ass. if the storyline is so bland that it not only makes no sence what so ever or even follow 10 diffrent storylines at one time then the series sucks ass. if the only reason the series is doing so good is because fans like the super overpowered characters that supposevly wont die then the series sucks ass. and then you make a game that you put a shit load of characters in it and only once again 1 out of 10 of those mothafuckers are being used then the game and the series sucks ass. therefore it is a fact and not an opinion.

You are officially a waste of my time........

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The Power Of Excellence <3  ReigiOzora18's YouTube Channel

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You are officially a waste of my time........

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OK....Let me put it into a simple term so that your little mind could get it. This isnt trolling it is called the truth. You guys see naruto to the point where its a must see for all anime fan when in fact its the complete oppisite. The show starts out good and then just like 97% of shonen jump anime/manga it gets hella boring as time goes on and then its another fact that they add more characters that are important for 10 ep. and then never show up again without killing them off. however by the time it got to shippudden it started to suck ass as the show went on. then they add more lots, characters, episodes and make the main characaters more overpowered than before and then thats when the show became a cluster fuck. and then guess what because the show is from shonen jump it becomes hella popular and when it becomes like that its now basically the call of duty of anime. Naruto was good at some points 98% of the characters werent interesting but whatever. then when someone wants to get into anime or some shit they always ask one of the dickriders how good the show is and they act like its the best thing ever. then it makes the other anime shows like soul eater or claymore more underrated so that shows like naruto get more notice and more fame. just like how call of duty is doing 2 gaming and everything else. Which is why im taking this as a fact more than an opinion. everyone has a right 2 their own opinion yes but when shit like this fucks with other shit that should be more noticed than the rest then its a whole new ball game. so no this aint trolling and this isnt pointless and mindless opinions. and if you think it is then call me a fucking nazi then



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if ur overpowered you couldn't be defeated yet naruto clearly gets his ass whooped every fucking episode THEN TRAINS to become stronger so he can bring his friend back....but when goku does it it's all peachy right? your opinions are a bit biased here, I will not lie to you. people ONLINE use like 1 char, i personally can use everyone but choose to use lee as a main (if not I use killer bee, lars, sometimes minato, sasuke, itachi, or tobi). The story focuses on naruto because, well If I'm not mistaken, the name of the fucking game is NARUTO. the gameplay is fine IMO, there are games much worse than this but no one ever bags on em, because they're such big fucking titles. Street fighter, Soul Calibur, hell even fucking MvC2 are BAD examples of fighting games....but people eat that shit up. MvC2 had so many infinite combos, and the majority of players used teams of damn near MARVEL ONLY teams because the mutants were overpowered. Street Fighter has had bad fighting system since day 1. *jump kick, crouching low kick repeat*. Soul Calibur.....ok Siegfried or Nightmare and you win, they're priority is higher than anyone elses EXCEPT Yoda of course.

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OK....Let me put it into a simple term so that your little mind could get it. This isnt trolling it is called the truth. You guys see naruto to the point where its a must see for all anime fan when in fact its the complete oppisite. The show starts out good and then just like 97% of shonen jump anime/manga it gets hella boring as time goes on and then its another fact that they add more characters that are important for 10 ep. and then never show up again without killing them off. however by the time it got to shippudden it started to suck ass as the show went on. then they add more lots, characters, episodes and make the main characaters more overpowered than before and then thats when the show became a cluster fuck. and then guess what because the show is from shonen jump it becomes hella popular and when it becomes like that its now basically the call of duty of anime. Naruto was good at some points 98% of the characters werent interesting but whatever. then when someone wants to get into anime or some shit they always ask one of the dickriders how good the show is and they act like its the best thing ever. then it makes the other anime shows like soul eater or claymore more underrated so that shows like naruto get more notice and more fame. just like how call of duty is doing 2 gaming and everything else. Which is why im taking this as a fact more than an opinion. everyone has a right 2 their own opinion yes but when shit like this fucks with other shit that should be more noticed than the rest then its a whole new ball game. so no this aint trolling and this isnt pointless and mindless opinions. and if you think it is then call me a fucking nazi then


And for those Dumba$$es on the forum who doesn't kno the meaning of the word " Fact"





something that actually exists; reality; truth:


something known to exist or to have happened:


a truth known by actual experience or observation;something known to be true:


something said to be true or supposed to have happened:


Law . Often, facts. an actual or alleged event orcircumstance, as distinguished from its legal effect orconsequence. Compare question of fact, question of law.


The Power Of Excellence <3  ReigiOzora18's YouTube Channel

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if ur overpowered you couldn't be defeated yet naruto clearly gets his ass whooped every fucking episode THEN TRAINS to become stronger so he can bring his friend back....but when goku does it it's all peachy right? your opinions are a bit biased here, I will not lie to you. people ONLINE use like 1 char, i personally can use everyone but choose to use lee as a main (if not I use killer bee, lars, sometimes minato, sasuke, itachi, or tobi). The story focuses on naruto because, well If I'm not mistaken, the name of the fucking game is NARUTO. the gameplay is fine IMO, there are games much worse than this but no one ever bags on em, because they're such big fucking titles. Street fighter, Soul Calibur, hell even fucking MvC2 are BAD examples of fighting games....but people eat that shit up. MvC2 had so many infinite combos, and the majority of players used teams of damn near MARVEL ONLY teams because the mutants were overpowered. Street Fighter has had bad fighting system since day 1. *jump kick, crouching low kick repeat*. Soul Calibur.....ok Siegfried or Nightmare and you win, they're priority is higher than anyone elses EXCEPT Yoda of course.

ok so 1 the op'd thing. before i start naruto is part of the big 3 that clearly copys off of DBZ. Naruto being the one to copy off it the most even the creator claimed DBZ was the reason he wanted 2 make naruto. the other two being Bleach which only abused transformations and a couple of beams as much as DBZ did. and same with the last one one piece. but since ya are SO butthurt I will now say naruto sucks IMO. Now on to the OP'D thing. they have a shitload of opd characters in naruto but the creator found the stupidest way to balance it by draining their life force away, which isnt a bad thing.....until nearly every high commander has one. its worse than when every DBZ character had a Kamameha Wave. Sharigan had to be one of the most OP'd things Ive ever saw that didnt abuse the "theyre a god type thing" i can narrow down every dumbass character in the show and ya wouldnt even give a fuck. so on to the next thing

2 Street Fighter you can Leave out cause it only has certain problems, soul calibur is the same , and MvC2 is almost impossible but I can use MvC3 dumbass to back it up. anyway every street fighter has at least one OP'D thing in it. SF 2- Throws, SFA Supers, SF EX-Duran, SF3-Yun, yang,chunli, and Ken, SF4-FAIU. Soul calibur wasnt completely unbalanced its just had bad mixups. it went by range and size and they fucked it up in SC4 but whatever in tourney play those "OP'D" chacters are banned anyway. SC just took staragey. now MvC2......yes it was unbalanced and op'd at some points but in end ppl bitch and complain about the wrongs things. You are supposed 2 use assist to your advantage to extend combos and shit.even if it means playing keep away. theres always super jumping 4 that. and MvC was ALWAYS the type of game to make sure your opponent dosent get a hit on you. you see it as a broken thing because you cant move but in reality you can get out of pressure. and thats the objective of all fighters. Pressure. but no. everybody wants to bitch and complain about it and have everything spoonfead to them. SF4 Spoonfead, UMvC3 spoonfead, SC5 Spoonfead, SFxT Spoonfead. if it isnt lag, a half broken controller, input dropping, or the controller turning off on you, then its your fault for getting caught, getting hit, and or getting pressured on in the first place.



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I've played MvC and can say getting caught in an inf in that game is much less harsh than one in MvC2 in MvC2 it's not a matter of playing anymore, it's a matter of leaving ur controller sitting there http://mugenfreeforall.com/public/style_emoticons//sleep.png. Street FIghter might be THE worst fighting game on the planet but everyone refuses it. hell you could win a match with oro by spamming his projectiles or by using his other cheap ass moves. (No offense bruce) Soul Calibur? fucking Siegfried! you could win EVERY damn match with him and NO ONE EVER BANS HIM, his priority is fucked up. I can deal with MvC3 because at least i havea chance to survive....fuck I mean even with the limited aerial recover i can still LIVE

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yo no offence tohno but i can tell you suck at fighters.spammers are supposed 2 b easy wins. unless its mvc2, mvc3, or umvc3. but thats besides the point. my point is all the things your talking about OP'D is bullshit. how do u get past projectile spammers? well have you tried jumping? have you tried zangiefs tornado spin? have you tried blankas anti projectile attack(23+HP)? have you tried dhalsims teleport? have you tried e hondas Hip drop attack? or even throwing a projectile back and then getting closer? theres many ways 2 get through projectiles in street fighter. as for Siegfried hes an easy character to kill off. he has slow start ups slow recovery and etc. SC depends on what charcater range you pick. you got short ranged medium ranged and long ranged. if you use a short ranged character you have to find a way to get in longer range charcaters. with longer ranged characters you have to keep the shorter ranged charcaters away. with medium ranged you can do a little of both. and if i guess correctly you havent inversted in side stepping or even you roll foward after getting up. it just proves how bad you are at fighters. however im not trying 2 sound like an asshoe or anything im just telling what should be told.



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honestly what you say about naruto is STILL an opinion if not everyone in the world thinks what you say is true then it qualifies as an opinion. We like naruto you don't see OUR OPINION, then YOUR OPINION. Do you understand the difference now We like it, you don't See. O P I N I O N. get it now?


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ok so 1 the op'd thing. before i start naruto is part of the big 3 that clearly copys off of DBZ. Naruto being the one to copy off it the most even the creator claimed DBZ was the reason he wanted 2 make naruto. the other two being Bleach which only abused transformations and a couple of beams as much as DBZ did. and same with the last one one piece. but since ya are SO butthurt I will now say naruto sucks IMO. Now on to the OP'D thing. they have a shitload of opd characters in naruto but the creator found the stupidest way to balance it by draining their life force away, which isnt a bad thing.....until nearly every high commander has one. its worse than when every DBZ character had a Kamameha Wave. Sharigan had to be one of the most OP'd things Ive ever saw that didnt abuse the "theyre a god type thing" i can narrow down every dumbass character in the show and ya wouldnt even give a fuck. so on to the next thing

2 Street Fighter you can Leave out cause it only has certain problems, soul calibur is the same , and MvC2 is almost impossible but I can use MvC3 dumbass to back it up. anyway every street fighter has at least one OP'D thing in it. SF 2- Throws, SFA Supers, SF EX-Duran, SF3-Yun, yang,chunli, and Ken, SF4-FAIU. Soul calibur wasnt completely unbalanced its just had bad mixups. it went by range and size and they fucked it up in SC4 but whatever in tourney play those "OP'D" chacters are banned anyway. SC just took staragey. now MvC2......yes it was unbalanced and op'd at some points but in end ppl bitch and complain about the wrongs things. You are supposed 2 use assist to your advantage to extend combos and shit.even if it means playing keep away. theres always super jumping 4 that. and MvC was ALWAYS the type of game to make sure your opponent dosent get a hit on you. you see it as a broken thing because you cant move but in reality you can get out of pressure. and thats the objective of all fighters. Pressure. but no. everybody wants to bitch and complain about it and have everything spoonfead to them. SF4 Spoonfead, UMvC3 spoonfead, SC5 Spoonfead, SFxT Spoonfead. if it isnt lag, a half broken controller, input dropping, or the controller turning off on you, then its your fault for getting caught, getting hit, and or getting pressured on in the first place.

The Sharingan was a demigod type thing

Ever heard of Tsukiyomi & Mangekyo? & how Kakashi & Itachi were the most badass ppl in the series(IMO)

But, Rinnegan according to the story,was a full god type power.

Pain/Nagato was a annyoing fucker to fight everytime you got close,"ALMIGHTY PUSH"

Which pissed me off the first few times till I bought the "Destruction" Ninja Tools & Concentrated my Sub Jutsu

Battle took at the most 1 1/2 min each(Before the actual boss battle wit the 9-Tails & all that.




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