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How to fix The tile parallax on mugen 1.1 for 720p setting


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On 6/16/2016 at 11:13 AM, cldz said:

i don't stream,that's all


can you just give me hints

what exactly do i have to do to fix this sort of problem


Sure buddy I dont mind going to details on it.


When your your adding a stage that have tile parallax according to Scal

you need to go to your Mugen.cfg and scroll down to the Video setting



 ;The video resolution defaults to the same as the game resolution.
 ;You can force an alternate resolution by uncommenting the lines
;Width  = 1280
;Height = 720

 ;This is the color depth at which to run MUGEN.
 ;Only 16 is supported at this time.
Depth = 16

 ;Set to 1 to enable vertical retrace synchronization. Do not enable
 ;if BlitMode = normal
 ;Not supported in 1.0.
VRetrace = 0

 ;Set to 1 to enable fullscreen mode, 0 for windowed.
FullScreen = 0

 ;Drawing mode
 ;Choose from Normal (fast) and PageFlip (less image "tearing")
BlitMode = Normal

 ;Screen rendering mode.
 ;System - default SDL rendering mode (e.g. windib in Windows)
 ;DirectX - DirectX 5 renderer
 ;OpenGLScreen - hack that allows window resizing but could be slow
RenderMode = OpenGL > and change it to > RenderMode = DirectX 5

This will help the tiles parallax to show up on your stage when dealing with the mugen 1.1 software this info is been provide by Scal


However I also learn there another method with out using DX5



 ;The video resolution defaults to the same as the game resolution.
 ;You can force an alternate resolution by uncommenting the lines
;Width  = 1280
;Height = 720

 ;This is the color depth at which to run MUGEN.
 ;Only 16 is supported at this time.
Depth = 16

 ;Set to 1 to enable vertical retrace synchronization. Do not enable
 ;if BlitMode = normal
 ;Not supported in 1.0.
VRetrace = 0

 ;Set to 1 to enable fullscreen mode, 0 for windowed.
FullScreen = 0

 ;Drawing mode
 ;Choose from Normal (fast) and PageFlip (less image "tearing")
BlitMode = Normal

 ;Screen rendering mode.
 ;System - default SDL rendering mode (e.g. windib in Windows)
 ;DirectX - DirectX 5 renderer
 ;OpenGLScreen - hack that allows window resizing but could be slow
RenderMode = OpenGL > and change it to > RenderMode = OpenGLScreen

be sure to type OpenGLScreen you be able to see your tile parallax on your screen pack for the mugen 1.1 software.

also I did this for My mica screen pack setting for 640x480 BUT this also work on 720p setting as well.


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18 hours ago, Ryon said:

Hey OldGamer, was this stage coded to tile the images? if it was not coded to tile, is it the display engine (DX5 or OpenGL) that makes it tile?

yes its tile as a images but the only thing I know is if you deal with any image that is tile for parallax its will display as single image when having set to Render Mode = OpenGL.

for reason mugen 1.1 cant see the tile on that mode for some odd reason. but having set to DX5 or typing the word OpenScreen its does show up.


I been dealing with parallax stage for a one year and I learn there are many ways for them to show up. But for mugen 1.1 is kinda tricky and you have to play with the setting to get them right xD

must mugen fans and collector dont bother going threw the setting for mugen.cfg that often. So I figured I can share this awesome info to everyone and help them out. Just in case they have problem with tile parallax stages. also I learn that tile parallax are very complex with mugen 1.1 compare to mugen 1.0.


for a example if you add the scaledelta or zoom effect its create some kinda of buggy shake on the ground and at first I thought its must be the delta ? nope and the problem its wont stay in places because some kind of shake when the character move from left to right or when they get to the end of the stage the floor start to shake like a tiny earthquake. Tile parallax on mugen 1.1 can be bit annoying when dealing with the image is self that when I learn that you need to make the tile image tiny bit bigger from not shaking and that how I made this stage for 3 DirtyDwarve's Street of Bronx Mugen


here old video tile parallax causing the blur and tiny bit shakes




this stage made when I figure how to fix the shake and blur and from the tile for showing :)



I hope I answer your question :) but yeah tile parallax on mugen 1.1 can be a pain and dealing with these bug is annoying sometime XD

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3 hours ago, Ryon said:

I only read the top half of your reply, not the bottom half with videos.


so... it's interesting, as long as i've been making stages with parallax, I've NEVER had any issues with it showing up.

regardless of mugen version.

I had problem in past but not anymore XD oh I was just showing you what I figure out when I was dealing with tile parallax that all :)

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i don't know what's this thread about untill i read all of your reply
also have a case like this on 1.0 the parallax wont shows,so i remove the parallax
don't know if it's a syntax problem,some kind of mugen script bug,sprite size problem or maybe i put the wrong axis


i don't have this kind of problem right now
i'll be saving this, just incase


i thought maybe you post something about how to calculate parallax stuff and such
i was looking for 1.1 related tutorial,since i'm new to it
thanks again ;)


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On 6/19/2016 at 11:18 AM, cldz said:

i don't know what's this thread about untill i read all of your reply
also have a case like this on 1.0 the parallax wont shows,so i remove the parallax
don't know if it's a syntax problem,some kind of mugen script bug,sprite size problem or maybe i put the wrong axis


i don't have this kind of problem right now
i'll be saving this, just incase


i thought maybe you post something about how to calculate parallax stuff and such
i was looking for 1.1 related tutorial,since i'm new to it
thanks again ;)


OOOOH here another BIT of a Tip when dealing with Xscale Parallax setting in general for the mugen 1.0 and 1.1 as well. I think there are a Few of them might know this but some don't know this but what ever you do... Please don't save your format for your stage's .SFF into 1.0 or 1.1 because this will make your parallax floor for not to show up. I know there going to be a lot people might say other wise but take my word for it buddy dont do it no matter what render mode is been set at on your mugen.cfg Because the xscale parallax setting for the floor  Wont show up at all .


its look something like this when saving your stage's .SSF format on M.U.G.E.N 1.0 or M.U.G.E.N 1.1


when dealing with xscale parallax for low res and hires always save your stage's .SSF format to M.U.G.E.N 8bit Beta and not on M.U.G.E.N 1.0 or M.U.G.E.N 1.1



once you save your stage's .SFF its should look like this when saving it to M.U.G.E.N 8bit Beta



I hope this tip help you out :D




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