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Problem with limiting guardhits



Well problem is that I can't limit the guardhits in my attack which is like m.bison's psycho crusher.

When I perform that attack first time everything works well (with hits and guardhits) but later when I need to perform that attack again p1 doesn't hit p2 at all.


Here's the code:

[Statedef 1021]
type    = A
movetype= A
physics = N
juggle  = 4
ctrl = 0
velset = 0,0
sprpriority = 2

[state 1000]
type = width
trigger1 = 1
value = 0,0

[State 3000, Super C]
type = AfterImageTime
trigger1 = AnimElemTime(2) >= 1 && Time < 60
time = 2

[state 1000]
type = playerpush
trigger1 = 1
value = 0

[state 1000]
type = velset
trigger1 = 1
y = 0
x = 12

[State 3050, hitvar]
trigger1 = anim!=1015
;trigger2= anim = 1015 && animtime = 0
;trigger2 = anim = 1015 && hitcount <= 5
;trigger2 = anim =1015 && animelemtime(15)<0

[State 3050, hitvar]

[State 3050, hit]
trigger1=anim=1015 && animelemtime(15)>=0
trigger1= timemod = 2,0 && var(14)<5
;trigger1 = hitcount <= 4
attr = A, SA
damage = 25,1
animtype = heavy;fucking metal
guardflag = M
hitflag = MAF
getpower = 0
priority = 4, Hit
pausetime = 3, 0
sparkno = 2
sparkxy = -8, -35
hitsound = 5, 3
guardsound = 6, 0
guard.sparkno = 40
ground.type = High
guard.velocity = -5
airguard.velocity = 0,-1
ground.slidetime = 20
ground.hittime  = 25
ground.velocity = -2.5,-1.0
air.type = high
air.velocity = -2.5,-1.0
air.cornerpush.veloff = 0
ground.cornerpush.veloff = 0
air.hittime = 25
Air.fall = 1
fall.recover = 0
fall = 1
ID = 1021

[state 1000]
type = changestate
trigger1 = time = 40
value = 1022
ctrl = 0


Where I'm mistaking ?

2 answers to this question

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Ah sorry, I didn't have the internet at home to inform you that I already fixed that problem.

Well I had to put this code in first statedef of the hyper attack.

[State 3050, hitvar]
trigger1 = time = 0

And also I had to edit few things in next statedef (the state I showed you), so my attack works well.

Anyway, thanks for a response.


  • 0


first off timemod is a deprecated code, the next step up from there is time%2=0 which I believe is the same as timemod = 2,0.

Next, more than likely your trigger for your hitdef, the variable is not being reset, once it hits, it gets set to (it looks like 1, but I assume 4, I also assume 14 because that's how much Mega Psycho Crusher hits)

but the point is, your hitdef ONLY triggers when the variable is less than 5, and I do not see a variable reset anywhere in your code. (just make a varset that sets it to 0, everytime he enters this state, put it below the statedef)

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