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Helper trouble..



Alright guys, (time for another absurd question)

I've been having this problem while trying to make a projectile helper.

The projectile helper's animation loops full of CLSN1 hitboxes (not a single CLSN1default hitbox due to testing purposes), and I made 1 Hitdef in the statedef of the helper just for the purpose of being able to land a SINGLE hit on the opponent. However, when I make the statedef(in which i make the helper), then make the helper in the statedef(as i mentioned right before, the one in which the helper is in), and point the helper to the projectile statedef, the projectile hits the opponent, spark appears, sound is heard, but the opponent completely ignroes it, and no HP is lost either- almost like the Hitdef is being ignored.

I tried to use other characters' helpers as a reference (the way they make their projectiles), but I had no luck getting the Hitdef to land a hit. Can you guys help me?


; Command C - Boomerang (Forward)
[Statedef 205]
type = S ;Standing
movetype= A
physics = S ;Standing
juggle = 1
ctrl = 0
anim = 205
poweradd = 5
sprpriority = 2

[State 0, Helper] ;This helper is pointed to the next Statedef (under this one)
type = Helper
trigger1 = animelem = 4 ;Boomerang flies out at this frame of the animation
name = "Boomerang"
ID = 10500
stateno = 10500
pos = 0,0
postype = p1 ;p2,front,back,left,right
facing = 1
keyctrl = 1
ownpal = 1
supermovetime = 0
pausemovetime = 0

[State 200, 3]
type = ChangeState
trigger1 = AnimTime = 0
value = 0
ctrl = 1

; Boomerang
[Statedef 10500] ;This is the projectile helper, the one the helper above is pointed; to
type = A ;Marking all helpers as type air..
movetype = A ;Attack projectile.
physics = N ;No physics.
anim = 10500
sprpriority = 3
juggle = 10
ctrl = 0 ;

;-------------Invulnerability details:
[State 0, NotHitBy]
type = NotHitBy
trigger1 = Time >= 0
time = -1 ;This means the projectile won't be hit forever..?

[State 0, AssertSpecial] ;Shadow disappears when projectile goes under the floor
type = AssertSpecial
trigger1 = Pos Y >= 0 && vel Y >= 0
flag = noshadow
;flag = globalnoshadow

;-------------Attack details:
[State 600, 2]
type = HitDef ;Hitdef. For some reason, the opponent ignores it.
trigger1 = time = 0 ; By doing trigger1 = time = 0, all I'm trying to do is land a s;ingle hit while the animation loops, full of CLSN1 hitboxes.
;I won't use a CLSN1default hitbox for now due to testing purposes.
attr = A, NA
damage = 4
guardflag = A
priority = 3
pausetime = 30,30
sparkno = 0
sparkxy = -40,-232
hitsound = 5,0
guardsound = 6,0
ground.type = None
ground.slidetime = 7
ground.hittime = 8
ground.velocity = -16
air.velocity = -5.2,-12
air.hittime = 14

;[State 600, 2] ;Unused Hitdef. Not going to include this in for now only for testin;g purposes. If the above works, I'll try this one.
;type = HitDef
;trigger1 = time = 1
;attr = A, NA
;damage = 6
;guardflag = A
;priority = 3
;pausetime = 30,30
;sparkno = 0
;sparkxy = -40,-232
;hitsound = 5,0
;guardsound = 6,0
;ground.type = None
;ground.slidetime = 7
;ground.hittime = 8
;ground.velocity = -16
;air.velocity = -5.2,-12
;air.hittime = 14

;-------------Boomerang Speed details
[State 0, VelAdd]
type = VelAdd
trigger1 = time = [0,3]
x = 10

[State 0, VelAdd]
type = VelAdd
trigger1 = time = [8,9]
x = -1

[State 0, VelAdd]
type = VelAdd
trigger1 = time > 10
x = -3

;Move the boomerang with Up and Down buttons
[State 0, VelSet]
type = VelSet
trigger1 = command = "holdup"
y = -12

[State 0, VelSet]
type = VelSet
trigger1 = command != "holddown"
y = 0

[State 0, VelSet]
type = VelSet
trigger1 = command = "holddown"
y = 12

[State 0, ScreenBound]
type = ScreenBound
trigger1 = 1
value = 0
movecamera = 0,0

[State 0, DestroySelf]
type = DestroySelf
trigger1 = time > 300


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Okay, I'm a huge dumbass.

The problem I had was actually:

;ground.type = None

Since it was set to None, of course the opponent wouldn't bother getting hit..

Well, with that said, I'm off to do more things.. and hopefully stop making pointless threads. ,_,

Thanks for the help!

god this laptop sucks

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your hitdef does not have a hitflag

try adding this line in your hitdef.

hitflag = MAF

I put it there, but it still didn't land a hit..

I'm not sure that this is the problem(is it?), I copy-pasted the hitdef of my air attacks (which do hit)..

(and i've been watching your tutorial videos)

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